Internal Website Search

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ObjectDB Website - Terms and Conditions of Use

of these terms, you are prohibited from using or accessing this site. The materials contained in this web site ... reverse engineer any software contained on ObjectDB Software's web site; remove any ... may make changes to the materials contained on its web site at any time without notice. ObjectDB

JPA Primary Key

part of their containing entity objects and do not have their own separate identity. embeddable class. The entity contains a single primary key field that is annotated with @EmbeddedId and contains an instance

SSL Configuration

side. The default configuration file contains the following <ssl> element ... of your server. This file contains general details (such as a company name), an RSA private key ... (it still contains the general information and the public key). You can generate these files


- if the entity manager is container-managed contains_Object" title="Method of javax.persistence.EntityManager">contains (Object ... query language named query. The select list of the query must contain only a single item

Detached Entity Objects

; : } In the example above, the Employee entity class contains ... above, the Employee entity class contains an address field that references

JPA Persistable Types

system classes, such as ArrayList) and implement any interface. It can contain constructors ... of an embeddable class can only be stored in the database as embedded objects, i.e. as part of a containing entity

Deleting JPA Entity Objects

that are contained in the entity object are also deleted. If the transaction is rolled back and not committed ... ; : } In the example above, the Employee entity class contains an

JPA Tutorials

container (e.g. Apache Tomcat, Jetty, etc.), as well as on full application servers (such as Oracle ... a Java EE 6 container: Java

Step 3: Define an EJB Session Bean

Java EE application servers such as GlassFish and JBoss, and not by servlet containers, such as ... container (i.e. to the application server). For instance, in this application the server:


> is thrown. This exception contains a nested contains_Object" title="Method of javax.persistence.EntityManager">contains ... > for executing a Java Persistence query language named query. The select list of the query must contain