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Property fields

Hello   How can I use a Property, such as: as a field within an entity class? I want to bind a JavaFX CheckBoxTableCell control to the property.

ClassCastException on SELECT NEW ... after UPDATE over Java RMI

which were produced under controlled condition as follows: 1. We started the application

EntityManager JPA or JDO impl and different behavior

command, I get: com.objectdb.jdo.PMImpl Whats going on here? Is the entityManager not controlled

best practice for DB recovery

writes again(that will be controlled in the DAO layer).  

Embedding ObjectDB on server application

directory (which is out of control of ObjectDB). If you specify the following path:

NPE at com.objectdb.jpa.JpaQuery.getResultList

.getResultList( at ie.longpat.jpa.entity.control.MomentPayloadController

Collation and String Order

ObjectDB should support selecting collation when a new database is created. The collation will affect the way strings are sorted in queries (with ORDER BY). Currently strings are always ordered by Unicode order, and a workaround that enables controlling

each 1-2 days objects on some objectdb level lock/block each other

(which are very minor and controlled)? > between saturday and yesterday

Enhancing a class causes it to not save changes.

Support That makes sense. How do I tell the agent to apply itself to the test and control

error 990 ?

;generated>) at net.mces.controller.FormController.addOffer( at sun