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IN expression in a Criteria Query

is with Criteria Language. This code: In inExpression = ... is one of them. Regarding the criteria query, it is unclear where exactly the exception is thrown ... . support Support Please try build 2.5.0_04, which seems to fix the criteria query issue. support

How to use regular expressions in Criteria Builder

JPA criteria API (you can use LIKE, which is less powerful). ObjectDB supports regular ... the criteria builder. {     CriteriaBuilder cb = emf.getCriteriaBuilder();    ... the criterial API is not extendible. support Support Bummer. Is this  BIRT/ODA ObjectDB Driver  

Multi selection and distinct in a criteria query

hi, How can I realize multi selection with the criteria api concerning distinct? I.e. doing something like SELECT DISTINCT $1, $2 wouldn't work because I do only have something like criteria .multiselect(...) and nothing like builder.distinct(selection) so that I could do something like criteria

Criteria query error: Unexpected query token

may be valid in Hibernate HQL but not in JPQL and JPA Criteria API . support Support My apologies, in my eagerness to test I think I need to do an audit on all criteria queries. Works well. Fetched ... to see? Or is Criteria a W.I.P?   Cheers Willks William It seems that the query is invalid

java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/criteria/AbstractQuery

Updating from 2.7.1_02 to 2.7.2_02 I now get this error, did something change? java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/ criteria /AbstractQuery   dmoshal David Moshal ... , without the separate jar, ie: without: javax.persistence:persistence- api :1.0.2     dmoshal David Moshal

Enhancement API - NullPointerException

Hi! I am trying to use the Enhancement API from within my application like this: com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("my.package.Foo"); However, I get the following NullPointerException: [ObjectDB 2.7.1 ... above). I'm not sure what is happening, the class exists and trying the API with a non-existent class

Java 8 time API

Hi.   Is Java 8 new DateTime API supported natively or through Converters in the newest versions of objectdb? If not, can we expect this feature in the next releases?   Best regards and congratulations on this awesome database.  Amsterdam Amsterdam Luís de Lima Filho It is not

Separate ODB files API

Customer asked during opened ObjectDb connection (ODB location A) to stop writing and continue to another ODB file (Location B). Does exist some API to achieve that? What is a possible solution? Harman Alexander Golyshkin You have to close the database in location A, copy it from location

Is there an API to get the current version of ObjectDB that's being used?

Is there an API to get the current version of ObjectDB that's being used? This would be very handy to have, because it is somewhat difficult to know what version of the ObjectDB you are currently using since the objectdb.jar filename remains the same for all versions (which is not a bad thing by

Problem with Criteria Querys

Hi, i am having problems running following code...   import java.util.*; import javax.persistence.*; import javax.persistence. criteria .CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence. criteria .CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence. criteria .ParameterExpression; import javax.persistence. criteria

Calendar in Criteria Querys

Hi, i am having troubles creating criteria querys for Calendar objects. As far as I ... and may have some limitations. Anyway, the following example demonstrates criteria queries with Calendar ... . criteria .*; public final class T615 {     public static void main(String[] args) {  

Help with JPA2 Criteria and conditional operator grouping

))   From the JPA2 criteria : CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder();   CriteriaQuery ... ) AND ($1.conditionTwo=false) OR ($1.conditionThree=false) Even though the the JPA2 criteria 'wraps

Internal exception: NPE on criteria query with IN clause and empty collection

use JPA criteria query API , and I pass an empty collection to IN expression: CriteriaBuilder cb ... would really love to see support for static metamodel in ObjectDB implementation of both JPA criteria API


is found not to be a Java Persistence query language SELECT query or a Criteria API query Since: JPA 2.0 ... StoredProcedureQuery Parameter Since: JPA 1.0 Chapter 4 - JPA Queries (JPQL / Criteria ) explains how to use Query ... language SELECT statement or for a criteria query TransactionRequiredException


SELECT query or a Criteria API query Inherited from: Query Since: JPA 2.0 int getMaxResults ... - JPA Queries (JPQL / Criteria ) explains how to use TypedQuery . Public Methods int executeUpdate ... for a criteria query TransactionRequiredException - if there is no transaction or the persistence context has not

java.sql.Date equals comparison not working with CriteriaAPI

Hello, Using ODB 2.4.5 and the Criteria API , doing a simple equals comparison with java.sql.Date ... greaterEqual or lessEqual with Criteria API will yield in correct results except if the given date ... , it seems that criteria queries work well with literal dates, including in version 2.4.5. The following test case

CriteriaQuery using isNotNull with other conditions results in InternalException

When I try to execute the following criteria query CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery criteria = builder.createQuery(relationshipClass); Root root = criteria .from(relationshipClass); criteria .select(root); List predicates = new ArrayList (); predicates.add(builder

TYPE Expression

Hi there! Trying to add a simple type expression with the criteria api like in your sample: cb ... . Please try it. support Support As said, it still happens with criteria api and it is easy to replicate ... .*; import java.util.*; import javax.persistence.*; import javax.persistence. criteria .*; @Entity public


- if the query is found not to be a Java Persistence query language SELECT query or a Criteria API ... of the given name and type. This method is required to be supported for criteria queries only. Parameters ... an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API . If the provider's query

Why does ObjectDB duplicate classes from javax.jdo:jdo-api?

Hello, I'm using the Java Persistence API (JPA) in a library to not lock myself in to using ... . To use the @Index annotation, I had to add a dependency to the JDO API version 3.1 (old link: api /3.1). The code works just fine, but when I use

No Entity Class API

and should not be bound to specific entity classes and persistent fields. Therefore, an API for accessing ... database with no original classes: Use the Metamodel API to find details on the entity classes in ... exists in the database and missing from the classpath.  Use Java reflection API with information

Enhancer API (JDO 3.0)

One of the new features of JDO 3 is a standard API for enhancement. Currently ObjectDB implements its own enhancement API . support Support

Path.get(attributeName) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence. criteria .Path Path get (   String attributeName ) Create a path corresponding to the referenced attribute. Note: Applications using the string-based API may need to specify the type resulting from the get operation in order to avoid the use of Path

Query.getLockMode() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.Query LockModeType getLockMode () Get the current lock mode for the query. Returns null if a lock mode has not been set on the query object. Return: lock mode Throws: IllegalStateException - if the query is found not to be a Java Persistence query language SELECT query or a Criteria API query Since: JPA 2.0 - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence. criteria .CriteriaQuery CriteriaQuery select (   Selection  selection ) Specify the item that is to be returned in the query result. Replaces the previously specified selection(s), if any. Note: Applications using the string-based API may need

type in serParameter -> setParamether

type in criteria serParameter - setParamether ravshansbox Ravshan Thanks. It was fixed now to setParameter . support Support

CriteriaQuery.multiselect(selectionList) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence. criteria .CriteriaQuery CriteriaQuery multiselect (    ... depends on the specification of the type of the criteria query object created as well as the argument ... : If the type of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery (i.e., a criteria query object created by

CriteriaQuery.multiselect(selections) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence. criteria .CriteriaQuery CriteriaQuery multiselect (    ... execution depends on the specification of the type of the criteria query object created as well as ... of the criteria query is CriteriaQuery (i.e., a criteria query object created by either the createTupleQuery


APIs can be overridden. Information that is overridden does not affect the named query as registered ... of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API . If the provider's EntityManagerFactory

JPA Metamodel (JPA 2.0)

The JPA Metamodel API enables examining the classes, fields and properties of the persistent object model, similarly to the Java reflection API . The JPA Metamodel API has a major role in defining queries using the JPA Criteria API . support Support Implementation of the JPA Metamodel API was just

EntityManager.createQuery(criteriaQuery) - JPA Method

 criteriaQuery ) Create an instance of TypedQuery for executing a criteria query. Parameters: criteriaQuery - a criteria query object Return: the new query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the criteria query is found to be invalid Since: JPA 2.0

Query fails with failed to read

.hummingbird.CT_Container.computeContainer( com.agile.hummingbird. API .handleGetContainer( API .java:3130) com.agile.hummingbird. API .directRequest( API .java:965) com.agile.hummingbird. API .handleWebSocketRequest( API .java:808) com.agile.hummingbird.WebSocketServerListener

Multiple MEMBER OF query

the criteria API query? About your solution: As a quick solution, you may replace AND of MEMBER ... problem, can I avoid that using the criteria API query? It would not help because criteria queries


JPA Interface Parameter Type Parameters: - the type of the parameter Type for query parameter objects. See Also: Query TypedQuery Since: JPA 2.0 Chapter 4 - JPA Queries (JPQL / Criteria ) explains ... must be assignable to this type. This method is required to be supported for criteria queries

EntityManager.createQuery(updateQuery) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.EntityManager Query createQuery (    CriteriaUpdate  updateQuery ) Create an instance of Query for executing a criteria update query. Parameters: updateQuery - a criteria update query object Return: the new query instance Throws

EntityManager.createQuery(deleteQuery) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.EntityManager Query createQuery (    CriteriaDelete  deleteQuery ) Create an instance of Query for executing a criteria delete query. Parameters: deleteQuery - a criteria delete query object Return: the new query instance Throws

CriteriaBuilder.createTupleQuery() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence. criteria .CriteriaBuilder CriteriaQuery createTupleQuery () Create a CriteriaQuery object that returns a tuple of objects as its result. Return: criteria query object Since: JPA 2.0

CriteriaBuilder.createQuery(resultClass) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence. criteria .CriteriaBuilder CriteriaQuery createQuery (   Class  resultClass ) Create a CriteriaQuery object with the specified result type. Parameters: resultClass - type of the query result Return: criteria query object Since: JPA 2.0

CriteriaBuilder.createQuery() - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence. criteria .CriteriaBuilder CriteriaQuery createQuery () Create a CriteriaQuery object. Return: criteria query object Since: JPA 2.0


part of an API call, at, flush or at commit time. The current transaction, if one is active, will be not

EntityManagerFactory.unwrap(cls) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory T unwrap (   Class  cls ) Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API . If the provider's EntityManagerFactory implementation does not support the specified class, the PersistenceException


when an pessimistic locking conflict occurs. This exception may be thrown as part of an API call, a flush or at commit

EntityManagerFactory.addNamedQuery(name,query) - JPA Method

is executed, information that can be set by means of the query APIs can be overridden. Information


locking conflict occurs. This exception may be thrown as part of an API call, a flush or at commit


well; however, support for the Java SE bootstrapping APIs is not required in container environments

Query.unwrap(cls) - JPA Method

JPA Method in javax.persistence.Query T unwrap (   Class  cls ) Return an object of the specified type to allow access to the provider-specific API . If the provider's query implementation does not support the specified class, the PersistenceException is thrown. Parameters: cls


, and the array is modified, then the persistent instance is not aware of the change. This API ... the same field, and if the package and class name are not provided by the parameter in this API

PersistenceCapable.jdoMakeDirty(fieldName) - JDO Method

of the change. This API allows the application to notify the instance that a change was made to a field ... in this API , then the field marked dirty is the field declared by the most derived class. Transient

JDOHelper.makeDirty(pc,fieldName) - JDO Static Method

instance is not aware of the change. This API allows the application to notify the instance that a change


is not aware of the change. This API allows the application to notify the instance that a change