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JPA 2.0 Criteria API: (When) Fully supported ?

implementation creates a JPQL query string for fetching while the JPA 2.0 implementation uses Criteria API ... the Criteria API implementation which prevents correct negation of conjunction and disjunction ... API. * ObjectDB 2.1.0 - FAIL. Does not support Criteria API: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException


javax.persistence.criteria Interface From<Z,X> Superinterfaces: Expression<X>, FetchParent<Z,X>, Path<X>, Selection<X>, TupleElement<X> Subinterfaces: CollectionJoin, Join, ListJoin, MapJoin ... the string-based API may need to specify the type resulting from the get operation in order


javax.persistence.criteria Interface CollectionJoin<Z,E> Superinterfaces: Expression<E>, FetchParent<Z,E>, From<Z,E>, Join<Z,E>, Path<E>, PluralJoin<Z,Collection<E>,E>, Selection<E>, TupleElement<E ... corresponding to the referenced attribute. Note: Applications using the string-based API may need to specify


javax.persistence.criteria Interface MapJoin<Z,K,V> Superinterfaces: Expression<V>, FetchParent<Z,V>, From<Z,V>, Join<Z,V>, Path<V>, PluralJoin<Z,Map<K,V>,V>, Selection<V>, TupleElement<V ... to the referenced attribute. Note: Applications using the string-based API may need to specify the type

JPA Queries

. "SELECT c FROM Country"). Criteria Query API Building dynamic queries with a structure that is known ... concatenating JPQL strings into a valid complete JPQL query. JPA 2 introduced the JPA Criteria Query API, as ... instance. Building a dynamic query using the criteria API is managed by the CriteriaQuery interface

Query Parameters in JPA

for defining the parameters explicitly (except when using criteria API), so query parameters ... . Criteria Query Parameters In a JPA query that is built by using the JPA Criteria API - parameters (as ... a parameter in a Criteria API query. The reason for having nine set methods rather than just

ObjectDB Object Database Features

Dynamic query definition, including using JPA Criteria Query API. Static definition (named queries ... support of the JPA and JDO APIs. Fundamental features of relational databases (e.g. primary keys, derived ... (the ObjectDB Doctor). Standard Persistence APIs ObjectDB is the only Object-Oriented Database with built

JPA Query Criteria API (JPA 2.0)

The JPA Criteria API supports dynamic definition of JPQL queries using CriteriaBuilder as a factory ... API in expected in future versions. support Support Implementation of the JPA Criteria Query API ... .2.0 was just released with full support of the JPA Criteria Query API, including complete test coverage and documentation. support Support

Strange Error with Criteria API and Sorting

the sorted results. However, running this with the criteria API produces this error: Caused by: com ... criteria in debugger we get the correct expression: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM MyEntity $1 ... .EntityManagerFactory; import javax.persistence.Persistence; import javax.persistence.criteria

Issue with TYPE expression in Criteria API

javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; public class T605 {     public static void main(String

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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