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How to convert a boolean to an int in the query?

SELECT DISTINCT m FROM Person m LEFT OUTER JOIN m.answers answers

Query in JPA2 with LEFT JOIN on INNER JOIN

is select distinct (a.description),, ap1.id_profile,

An InternalException occurs when gets an result list

distinct m from ArchitectureImpl m with query option: query.setHint("objectdb.result-fetch

Critical error:: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected internal exception with query

This is the query on the attached db (run in explorer): SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM $1 LEFT JOIN $1.receivable $2 WHERE (( ((($2 IS NOT NULL) AND ($2.receiver.qubletId=22)))))

several times a day queries take several minutes

we have queries like (see the database that we handed over to you for other issues) select distinct o from ObjectNode o join p1 join p2 where o.classIdentifier = "(OP)" and (o.linkedObjects.classIdentifier = "(TC)" and  o.linkedObjects

ObjectDB 2.2.4

using JOIN FETCH with DISTINCT. Fixed Metamodel API's getTypeId

ObjectDB 2.1.0

to NonTransactionalWrite enabled (issue #142). Fixed a bug in distinct queries

Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct)

there is no way of demonstrating the distinction between a Guest object and simple relational database table.

ObjectDB 2.9.0

> Added support for distinct mapped-by (inverse) fields. Improved query

Problem with JOIN and inheritance

Hello, Please run this query on the attached DB: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM com.quasado.serviceplaza.customer.VendorCustomer $1 JOIN $1.qubletFRAGMENTMAP $2, $3