Internal Website Search
51-77 of 77 resultsWhy the internal error was thrown?; .getModelElementsByQuery("select distinct m from " + PoolImpl.class | |
ObjectDB version 2.1 has been released ( issue #142 ). Fixed a bug in distinct queries (duplicates due to bad optimization). Fixed a bug in | |
How to convert a boolean to an int in the query? DISTINCT m FROM Person m LEFT OUTER JOIN m.answers answers LEFT OUTER JOIN answers.persons likedPersons | |
How to use JOIN FETCH? then this is normal for JOIN FETCH and you can remove duplication by using SELECT DISTINCT . support Support | |
An InternalException occurs when gets an result list yet? support Support it is actually a simple query: select distinct m from ArchitectureImpl m | |
InternalError on multiple AND and JOIN Query Hi, Using objectdb 2.2.8_06. Running the following query: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM CDI $1 JOIN $1.contactDetails $2 JOIN $2.addresses $3 JOIN $3.attributeList $4 JOIN $2.phoneNumbers $5 JOIN $5.attributeList $6 WHERE ((($'suburb') AND ($4.valueAsString='Los Angeles')) AND (($ | |
"Problem" with cross join At first, this is my first JPA Projekt - and the code should work with Hibernate and JPA, using the specifc DAOs. Following query string returns no result using ObjectDB - using Hibernate, or EclipseLink this query works fine. select distinct c from CI c, CIstring s where like :SSTR or (c | |
In version 2.5.2_05 does not work greatest by Date In earlier versions this query worked fine. In version 2.5.2_05 does not work .orderBy(cb.desc(cb.greatest(root.get("createDate").as(Date.class)))). distinct (true) Thank you for your help. galandor Orlov Sergey Please try build 2.5.2_06 that should fix this regression (of casting to Date ). support Support | |
retrieval again and again started(Unknown Source) for that query: SELECT DISTINCT a from Action a WHERE a.objectsInCharge | |
Memory leak in com.objectdb.o.CST distinct databases concurrently? If not and you only have one database, try to build | |
Error reading UTF string (Serialized Objects in Explorer) This is the message I get for attached db and this query: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.verein.mitglied.Mitglied $1 WHERE ((($1.qubletID=278) AND NOT (((com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.abrechnung.api.model.mitglied.MitgliedDebitorenKontoFragment) $1.qubletFRAGMENTMAP.get('com | |
Unexpected query token - AS We have an issue with following query: SELECT DISTINCT instance, instanceEntryArtifactSet, artifact FROM AS instance JOIN instance.artifacts AS instanceEntryArtifactSet , AS artifact LEFT JOIN | |
ObjectDB 2.2.7 Added support of report generation using BIRT . Fixed a bug in query optimization of DISTINCT . Fixed a bug in keeping removed entity object in the L2 cache. Fixed orphan removal of owner entity object in bidirectional relationship. Fixed an "Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed instance | |
Critical error:: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected internal exception with query This is the query on the attached db (run in explorer): SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM $1 LEFT JOIN $1.receivable $2 WHERE (( ((($2 IS NOT NULL) AND ($2.receiver.qubletId=22))))) and this is the result: [ObjectDB 2.4.4] Unexpected exception (Error 990 | |
several times a day queries take several minutes we have queries like (see the database that we handed over to you for other issues) select distinct o from ObjectNode o join p1 join p2 where o.classIdentifier = "(OP)" and (o.linkedObjects.classIdentifier = "(TC)" and o.linkedObjects.objectNameUpper = "MILLING-EL | |
ObjectDB 2.2.4 in using JOIN FETCH with DISTINCT . Fixed Metamodel API's getTypeId method to support single ID field . | |
performance issues, database after adding statistics, after doctor we face performance issues on queries and therefore compared the times of 2 (same) databases, 2.9.0_05, one after adding statistics and one after additional doctor, here are the results: Query : select distinct o from ObjectNode o where (o.classIdentifier = '(RG)' and | |
ObjectDB 2.1.0 to NonTransactionalWrite enabled ( issue #142 ). Fixed a bug in distinct queries (duplicates due to bad | |
Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct) of the technology, because without any relationships there is no way of demonstrating the distinction | |
ObjectDB 2.9.0 Added a new, dstPath) static method. Added an option to exclude inherited @Id fields in embeddable classes. Added support for manual starting of online backup threads ( feature request #2855 ). Added support for distinct mapped-by (inverse) fields. Improved query plan | |
Problem with JOIN and inheritance Hello, Please run this query on the attached DB: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM com.quasado.serviceplaza.customer.VendorCustomer $1 JOIN $1.qubletFRAGMENTMAP $2, $3 WHERE ((NOT (($2=$3) AND ($3.contracts IS EMPTY)))) The problem | |
Deadlock Hi, Query: SELECT DISTINCT $1, UPPER($ AS $O0, UPPER($2.lastName) AS $O1 FROM com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.verein.mitglied.Mitglied $1 LEFT JOIN $1.profile $2 WHERE (($1.getClass().getName()='com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.verein.api.model.mitglied.Mitglied')) ORDER BY $O0, $O1 -- Causes | |
Feature Request: Subclassed PersistenceException for Type Not Found in DB Schema; String queryString = "select DISTINCT ( from AbstractClientSummary summary WHERE summary | |
ObjectDB 2.3.7 DISTINCT results. Fixed an exception in handling user defined serializable classes in the Explorer ( issue #647 ). | |
Multiple MEMBER OF query is expected to work (has not been tested): SELECT DISTINCT item FROM Item item JOIN item.labels label1 JOIN | |
Internal Exception) [objectdb-2.4.4_05.jar:] ... 1 more With this query: SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT $1) FROM com | |
JPQL support for mapped by (inverse) collections( "SELECT DISTINCT b.a FROM B b |