Internal Website Search

51-77 of 77 results

Why the internal error was thrown?

;      .getModelElementsByQuery("select distinct m from " + PoolImpl.class

ObjectDB version 2.1 has been released

( issue #142 ). Fixed a bug in distinct queries (duplicates due to bad optimization). Fixed a bug in

How to convert a boolean to an int in the query?

DISTINCT m FROM Person m LEFT OUTER JOIN m.answers answers LEFT OUTER JOIN answers.persons likedPersons

How to use JOIN FETCH?

then this is normal for JOIN FETCH and you can remove duplication by using SELECT DISTINCT . support Support

An InternalException occurs when gets an result list

yet? support Support it is actually a simple query: select distinct m from ArchitectureImpl m

InternalError on multiple AND and JOIN Query

Hi, Using objectdb 2.2.8_06. Running the following query: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM CDI $1 JOIN $1.contactDetails $2 JOIN $2.addresses $3 JOIN $3.attributeList $4 JOIN $2.phoneNumbers $5 JOIN $5.attributeList $6 WHERE ((($'suburb') AND ($4.valueAsString='Los Angeles')) AND (($

"Problem" with cross join

At first, this is my first JPA Projekt - and the code should work with Hibernate and JPA, using the specifc DAOs. Following query string returns no result using ObjectDB - using Hibernate, or EclipseLink this query works fine. select distinct c from CI c, CIstring s where like :SSTR or (c

In version 2.5.2_05 does not work greatest by Date

In earlier versions this query worked fine. In version 2.5.2_05 does not work .orderBy(cb.desc(cb.greatest(root.get("createDate").as(Date.class)))). distinct (true) Thank you for your help. galandor Orlov Sergey Please try build 2.5.2_06 that should fix this regression (of casting to Date ). support Support

retrieval again and again started

(Unknown Source)   for that query: SELECT DISTINCT a from Action a WHERE a.objectsInCharge

Memory leak in com.objectdb.o.CST

distinct databases concurrently? If not and you only have one database, try to build

Error reading UTF string (Serialized Objects in Explorer)

This is the message I get for attached db and this query: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.verein.mitglied.Mitglied $1 WHERE ((($1.qubletID=278) AND NOT (((com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.abrechnung.api.model.mitglied.MitgliedDebitorenKontoFragment) $1.qubletFRAGMENTMAP.get('com

Unexpected query token - AS

We have an issue with following query: SELECT DISTINCT instance, instanceEntryArtifactSet, artifact FROM AS instance JOIN instance.artifacts AS instanceEntryArtifactSet , AS artifact LEFT JOIN

ObjectDB 2.2.7

Added support of report generation using BIRT . Fixed a bug in query optimization of DISTINCT . Fixed a bug in keeping removed entity object in the L2 cache. Fixed orphan removal of owner entity object in bidirectional relationship. Fixed an "Attempt to persist a reference to a non managed instance

Critical error:: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected internal exception with query

This is the query on the attached db (run in explorer): SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM $1 LEFT JOIN $1.receivable $2 WHERE (( ((($2 IS NOT NULL) AND ($2.receiver.qubletId=22))))) and this is the result: [ObjectDB 2.4.4] Unexpected exception (Error 990

several times a day queries take several minutes

we have queries like (see the database that we handed over to you for other issues) select distinct o from ObjectNode o join p1 join p2 where o.classIdentifier = "(OP)" and (o.linkedObjects.classIdentifier = "(TC)" and  o.linkedObjects.objectNameUpper = "MILLING-EL

ObjectDB 2.2.4

in using JOIN FETCH with DISTINCT . Fixed Metamodel API's getTypeId  method to support single ID field .

performance issues, database after adding statistics, after doctor

we face performance issues on queries and therefore compared the times of 2 (same) databases, 2.9.0_05, one after adding statistics and one after additional doctor, here are the results: Query : select distinct o from ObjectNode o where (o.classIdentifier = '(RG)' and

ObjectDB 2.1.0

to NonTransactionalWrite enabled ( issue #142 ). Fixed a bug in distinct queries (duplicates due to bad

Once served to JSF page via @EJB query bean, many list fields are null (but same query ok after fresh persist in @PostConstruct)

of the technology, because without any relationships there is no way of demonstrating the distinction

ObjectDB 2.9.0

Added a new, dstPath) static method. Added an option to exclude inherited @Id fields in embeddable classes. Added support for manual starting of online backup threads ( feature request #2855 ). Added support for  distinct mapped-by (inverse) fields. Improved query plan

Problem with JOIN and inheritance

Hello, Please run this query on the attached DB: SELECT DISTINCT $1 FROM com.quasado.serviceplaza.customer.VendorCustomer $1 JOIN $1.qubletFRAGMENTMAP $2, $3 WHERE ((NOT (($2=$3) AND ($3.contracts IS EMPTY)))) The problem


Hi, Query: SELECT DISTINCT $1, UPPER($ AS $O0, UPPER($2.lastName) AS $O1 FROM com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.verein.mitglied.Mitglied $1 LEFT JOIN $1.profile $2 WHERE (($1.getClass().getName()='com.lexware.vereinsverwaltung.verein.api.model.mitglied.Mitglied')) ORDER BY $O0, $O1 -- Causes

Feature Request: Subclassed PersistenceException for Type Not Found in DB Schema

; String queryString = "select DISTINCT ( from AbstractClientSummary summary WHERE summary

ObjectDB 2.3.7

DISTINCT results. Fixed an exception in handling user defined serializable classes in the Explorer ( issue #647 ).

Multiple MEMBER OF query

is expected to work (has not been tested): SELECT DISTINCT item FROM Item item JOIN item.labels label1 JOIN

Internal Exception

) [objectdb-2.4.4_05.jar:] ... 1 more   With this query: SELECT COUNT( DISTINCT $1) FROM com

JPQL support for mapped by (inverse) collections

(             "SELECT DISTINCT b.a FROM B b