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objectdb got hang after fetch some record.

All of my client threads are got hang after doing some fetch operations due to objectdb. Stack trace: Method)

What is the query to fetch all schema list of my database?

Can you please tell me how to fetch all schema available in my database? Deepak_1996 Deepak Kumar Maharana You can use the JPA metamodel API. support Support

Fetch Set from DB only works on debug mode

I have a class A, that contains a LinkedHashSet of  another class named B. When I try to fetch that hash set, it returns a null pointer. BUT, when I run the program in debug mode, it works fine!! So I'm almost sure it is a bug? Or maybe something I'm doing wrong?

Entity has be persistended,but query not fetched?

I create a new entity T newT and persistend it,then I create a query "select t from T t" to fetch all T entities.But  then the newT is not contain in the query result. Why? code order: query.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.AUTO); query

fetch by enum

I have Entity named Fruits  with a column Type which is a enum. I want to fetch the based on Type  Eg.  Query qry= em.createQuery("Select f from Fruits f where f.Type =: t ");         qry.setParameter("t",Type


class="header"> Fetch" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Fetch<X,Y> fetch_String" title="Method of javax.persistence.criteria.FetchParent">fetch (String


"> Fetch" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Fetch<X,Y> fetch_String" title="Method of javax.persistence.criteria.FetchParent">fetch


"> Fetch" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Fetch<X,Y> fetch_String" title="Method of javax.persistence.criteria.FetchParent">fetch (String attributeName


"> Fetch" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Fetch<X,Y> fetch_String" title="Method of javax.persistence.criteria.FetchParent">fetch


method"> Fetch" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Fetch<X,Y> fetch_String" title="Method of javax.persistence.criteria.FetchParent">fetch