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="description"> Defines strategies for fetching data from the database. The EAGER strategy is a requirement on the persistence provider runtime that data must be eagerly fetched ... should be fetched lazily when it is first accessed. The implementation is permitted to eagerly fetch data


name; Example 2: @Basic(fetch=LAZY) protected ... class="name">fetch" title="Annotation Element of javax.persistence.Basic">fetch (Optional) Defines whether the value


/jpa/criteria/Fetch" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Fetch<X,?>> getFetches() Return the fetch joins that have been made from this type. Returns empty set if no fetch joins have been made from this type. Modifications

retrieveAll(pcs, useFetchPlan)

. The fields in the current fetch group must be retrieved, and the implementation might retrieve more fields than the current fetch group. If the useFetchPlan parameter is false, this method ... parameter is true, and the fetch plan has not been modified from its default setting, all fields in

retrieve(pc, useFetchPlan)

without the useFetchPlan parameter. If the useFetchPlan parameter is true, and the fetch plan has not been modified from its default setting, all fields in the current fetch plan are fetched, and other fields might be fetched lazily by the implementation. If the useFetchPlan parameter is true, and the fetch


, then the fields in the default fetch group cannot be accessed for read or write without notifying ... , then the fields in the default fetch group cannot be accessed for read or write without notifying the StateManager ... , then the fields in the default fetch group can be accessed for read without notifying the StateManager


the fetch size, or FETCH_SIZE_OPTIMAL" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.FetchPlan">FETCH_SIZE_OPTIMAL if not set, or FETCH_SIZE_GREEDY" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.FetchPlan">FETCH_SIZE


>FetchGroup s to the set of active fetch groups. fetch groups. FetchGroup s are made unmodifiable before ... > - the name of the fetch group


"> Set the fetch size for large result set support. Use FETCH_SIZE_OPTIMAL" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.FetchPlan">FETCH_SIZE_OPTIMAL to unset, and FETCH_SIZE_GREEDY" title="Static Field


fetch group. Whether this member is in the default fetch group. fetch group Default