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Catching exceptions from online backup

;   backupThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) {     e ... ;  backupThread.join(); support Support I tested the improvement ... ); to the finally block instead of the inner catch block.

No clue how to query with collection

="stacktrace pre-query"> SELECT c, a FROM Customer INNER JOIN c.addresses ORDER BY SIZE(c.addresses) > 0 ... INNER JOIN c.addresses a ORDER BY a.street WHERE = true I have the problem ... , a FROM Customer LEFT JOIN c.addresses a WHERE a IS NULL OR = TRUE ORDER BY a.street

WHERE clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

a specified set of languages: SELECT c, l FROM Country c JOIN c


variable (with or without an explicit variable name) for iteration. Multiple variables and JOIN are not

Online Backup

backupThread = backupQuery.getSingleResult();     backupThread.join(); // Wait


a primary key column that is used as a foreign key to join to another table. It is used to join the primary table of an entity subclass in the JOINED" title="Enum Constant of javax.persistence.InheritanceType">JOINED mapping strategy

[ObjectDB 2.5.5_03] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

is equivalent to: SELECT t FROM Unit t INNER JOIN t ... because it implicitly defines an INNER JOIN, i.e. an internal loop, and if the the internal loop is empty ... > SELECT t FROM Unit t LEFT OUTER JOIN t.lastGeocodedPosition l WHERE l


. It is specified on the owning side of an association. A join table is typically used in ... , and one-to-one associations (both bidirectional and unidirectional). When a join table is used in ... apply. The name of the join table is assumed to be the table names of the associated primary tables


a join table, the joinTable element must be specified to override the mapping of the join table and/or its join columns. Example 1: Overriding the mapping ... > The join column(s) being mapped to the persistent attribute(s

depends upon the context. If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne mapping using ... embeddable. If the join is for a unidirectional OneToMany mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, the foreign key is in the table of the target entity. If the join