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slow performance for a complex query

. Some nested queries are actually equivalent to JOIN. When the inner query is not dependent ... of full scan of Organisation. The inner loop is executed about 100M times. In cases with complex AND/OR structures like this, sometimes JOIN can only be implemented by

@OneToOne query issue with OR and IS NULL

through a relationship is implemented using JOIN (i.e. INNER JOINJOIN a.another b WHERE a.another IS NULL OR b.counter = 0 You missed the clause. Try LEFT OUTER JOIN:

OR not working with isNull

").get("id") is implemented as INNER JOIN. This is a requirement of the JPA specification ... to something such as: SELECT e FROM MyEntity e JOIN e.owner o WHERE o ... #left_outer_join">LEFT OUTER JOIN explicitly to cover entities with a null owner. support Support

Query to find object from element of a contained collection

/jpa/query/jpql/from#inner_join">a multi variable query with JOIN. support Support JOIN, thank you.  lo Hoel

Group by: list if no aggregate function is specified

/from#left_outer_inner_join_fetch">JOIN FETCH for this purpose. support Support ... Hello! In a query like SELECT parent, children FROM Parent parent LEFT JOIN p.children children GROUP BY parent maybe it would be good if it will return a list


/Join" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Join<X,Y> correlate(  Join" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Join<X,Y> parentJoin) Create a subquery join


. If the join is for a map key for an element collection, the foreign key column is in the collection table for the map value. If the join is for a map key for a ManyToMany entity relationship or for a OneToMany entity relationship using a join table

. The table in which it is found depends upon the context. If the join is for a map key ... . If the join is for a map key for a ManyToMany entity relationship or for a OneToMany entity relationship using a join table, the foreign key column is in a join table.


: If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne mapping using a foreign key ... > If the join is for a unidirectional OneToMany mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, the name of the table of the target entity. If the join is for a ManyToMany mapping or
