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Conflicting modifiers .... (javax.persistence.Id, javax.persistence.ManyToOne)

held in a Map, and uses a Compound Primary Key. The contained class therefore uses an @IdClass.IdClass; import javax.persistence.ManyToOne; import javax.persistence.Version; @Entity @IdClass(CompoundKeyMapItem.CompoundKeyMapItemId.class

EmbeddedId with Generated field value

I know the following 2 ways to declare a composite Primary key: ********* Solution 1 ********* @Entity @IdClass(CompositePK.class) public class A {     ... "> @IdClass(ZoneId.class) @Entity public static class A {     @Id

Error opening database with ObjectDB Explorer when using composite key

; ENTITY: @Entity @IdClass(PersonId.class) public class Person { public enum Gender

em.flush(); em.clear(); loosing data and not persisting managed objects

method  of @IdClass and multiple @Id fields and a non annotated POJO as shown in the manual

ODB with Netbeans

."This is a NetBeans restriction, not a JPA restriction. "An entity or IdClass class

Object explorer cannot open odb file. ObjectDB many-to-many relationship

;Assignement.PK, Assignement> assignements; } @Entity @IdClass(Assignement.PK.class) public


for a simple id or embedded id; returns false for an idclass. Returns

ObjectDb Doctor : Failed to locate set method for field property com.test.Video$VideoId.sourceId using reflection (error 316)

:   @Entity(name = "Video") @IdClass(Video.VideoId.class