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1-19 of 19 resultsCriteriaBuilder.min(x) - JPA Method JPA Method in javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder Expression min ( Expression x ) Create an aggregate expression applying the numerical min operation. Parameters: x - expression representing input value to min operation Return: min expression Since: JPA 2.0 | |
Comparison in JPQL and Criteria API. The two following expressions are equivalent ( : min and :max are query parameters ): x BETWEEN : min AND :max x = : min AND x ) Predicate gt1 = cb. greaterThan (name, nameParam); Predicate gt2 = cb | |
GROUP BY and HAVING clauses (count, sum, avg, max, min ) that are carried out on all the objects (or the object tuples) in ... of numeric values. AVG - returns the average of numeric values as a double value. MIN - returns the minimum ... - returns a double type expression representing the average of numeric values. min , least - return | |
Is ObjectDB better than competing object databases? do not support aggregate queries (max, min , count, sum and avg). ObjectDB supports rich queries | |
Index Definition for sorting results and for projection: SELECT MIN (p.x) FROM Point p WHERE p.x | |
JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria);( where ). Criteria GROUP BY / HAVING ( groupBy , having , count , sum , avg , min , max | |
ObjectDB Object Database Features and aggregates ). ORDER BY (including ASC, DESC). Aggregates (COUNT, SUM, AVG, MAX, MIN ). Query | |
JPA Criteria API Queries , avg , min , max , ...). ORDER BY clause ( orderBy , Order , asc , desc ). The links above are direct | |
javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder representing input value to max operation Return: max expression Since: JPA 2.0 Expression min ( Expression x) Create an aggregate expression applying the numerical min operation. Parameters: x - expression representing input value to min operation Return: min expression Since: JPA 2.0 | |
Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation collection option and explicitly set the min and max heap sizes. Another option that affects soft | |
Memory Leak in EntityManagerFactory ? testet only for 15 min ). Arne Arne Stocker In that case we have to look elsewhere. When applying | |
objectdb got hang after fetch some record. same machine. This is happening if multiple thread(20-50) accessing db parallelly for 30-40 min | |
Server connection management to have configuration settings to control the connection pool ( min /max connections, etc...). Thanks, Carl | |
ObjectDB is opening too many sockets this more on idle instances. thamal Tomas Hamal I forgot to attach the heap dumps: idle2_4_ min - Server | |
javax.servlet.ServletException: Annotated methods must follow the JavaBeans naming convention. __odbHidden_getPropertyName widthPxSideBarLeft = 250; @ Min (150) @Max(400)   ... ; } It appears in part of a JSF template with dynamic CSS style parameters: style=" min | |
Server out of memory exceptions After running for about 15mins I get out of memory exceptions The test fails faster (in about 2 mins | |
stress test -> com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null out of memory in ~20 minutes. With a heap of 512 MB, in around 240 min (4 hours). Both cases | |
Pessimistic lock timeout - blocks indefinitely but the others remain blocked (for longer than 5000ms at least - I killed the test after a min or so). If I |