ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Can a Set<E> be a foreign key?

(private Set<Long> cellHeldCharacters;) which holds the IDs of the characters within the cell ... /unrecommended to do it for a Set? For a better picture, I have: @Entity public class Character ... double cellSize;     private Set<Long> cellHeldCharacters; And I want to know if I

"Failed to serialize instance" of Set problem

= FetchType.LAZY, mappedBy="parent") private Set<AbstractContainer> abstractContainers = com.google.common.collect.Sets.newIdentityHashSet(); } Got the following exception: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Failed to serialize instance of com.google.common.collect.Sets$SetFromMap - field xxx

Iterating over large result set

of given size until whole result set is iterated. What I'm thinking about is some kind of streaming of result set from database without building whole object graph representing fetched data in application ... with one query by running the query with a hint "objectdb.result-fetch" set to "LAZY". Another option is to use

JPA query of a Set of terms

of SearchTerm objects. ie. Set<SearchTerm> terms;     // the set is filled with SearchTerm objects ... term should be simpler: Set<SearchTerm> terms; // the set is filled with SearchTerm objects

JPA and handling large data sets

. But exporting large binary data sets is very slow. To avoid memory problems the binary data type is read step by step during the export with the query/setFirstResult() & setMaxResults(). But for large data sets ... with larger primary key as the next set of objects. Usually the problem is only with setFirstResult

@ElementCollection Set<Integer> is emptied sometimes

already. ObjectDB seems to clear some fields that are @ElementCollection Set<Integer> of my objects ... Support The field is emptied, but not null. So, my @ElementCollection Set<Integer> fields become empty ... find yet a way to understand it. Initially, I was not using @ElementCollection on my Set<Integer

best practice for configuration settings

to our core process, each accessing objectdb. What is the best setting ? synchronized there is no documentation about this setting, what does it do/mean ? hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker With 16 processor ... for a specific application requires testing and comparing different settings under the real conditions

Safe Settings

Hi, I am trying to set up ObjectDb in a safe way that allows turning the machine off while database ... with both configuration settings with the debugger and I put a breakpoint in FileDescriptor#sync(). It never got triggered with no setting that I could come up with. How come? Thanks in advance

-XMX settings recommendation

The default is 256M what is the recommended settings based on? It is the size of the DB? number of connections? If the DB has over 200GB of data and max connection of 400 then will I need to make this settings higher? Thanks. Trianglehead Json Error There is no magic formula, but usually larger

com.objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Failed to locate set method for field property using reflection

platformConnector) { this.platformConnector.set(platformConnector); } ... } I get an exception thrown ... .objectdb.o._PersistenceException: Failed to locate set method for field property domain ... the data - clearly my fault not ObjectDB's. However the error message Failed to locate set method

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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