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JPA Persistable Types

The term persistable types refers to data types that can be used for storing data in the database. ObjectDB supports all the JPA persistable types, which are: Simple Java data types: Primitive types, Wrappers, String, Date and Math types. Multi

Paths and Types in JPQL and Criteria API

and embeddable classes) are represented in JPQL by the following types of expressions: types (number, boolean, string, date). Simple type values are more useful in queries. They have special operators

JPA Metamodel API Types

The following interfaces and enum represent types in the JPA Metamodel API:  types"> See the type_interface_hierarchy">Metamodel Type Interface Hierarchy section for more details and examples.


.metamodelEnum type">Type.PersistenceType Type.PersistenceType> javax.persistence.metamodel.Type.PersistenceType Implemented


.metamodelInterface type">Type<X> Instances of the type Type represent persistent object or attribute types. Since: JPA


Type_PersistenceType" title="Enum in javax.persistence.metamodel.Type">javax.persistence.metamodel.Type.PersistenceTypeType_PersistenceType" title="Enum in javax.persistence.metamodel

getSingularAttribute(name, type)

;type) Return the single-valued attribute of the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java type. type - the type

getDeclaredSingularAttribute(name, type)

type) Return the single-valued attribute declared by the managed type that corresponds to the specified name and Java type. - the name of the represented attribute type

JDO Miscellaneous Types

This section contains miscellaneous JDO types:


="Annotation in javax.jdo.annotations">javax.jdo.annotations.PersistentClass[] types Types of the member. Used when the declared member type is a supertype of the actual type that is stored in the member. For example, the declared member type