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1-50 of 200 resultsApache License, Version 2.0, January 2004 or additions to that Work or Derivative Works thereof, that is intentionally submitted to Licensor ... the Work, provided that such additional attribution notices cannot be construed as modifying the License. You may add Your own copyright statement to Your modifications and may provide additional or | |
Eclipse Public License - v 1.0 Contributor: i) changes to the Program, and ii) additions to the Program; where such changes and/or additions to the Program originate from and are distributed by that particular Contributor ... anyone acting on such Contributor's behalf. Contributions do not include additions to the Program | |
JPA Metamodel API. This includes all the types whose instances are already stored in the database. Three additional ... : Attribute strAttr2 = managedType. getDeclaredAttribute ("name"); Additional methods are defined ... . getDeclaredVersion (Long.class); Additional methods are defined in IdentifiableType to support | |
Locking in JPA. setProperty ("javax.persistence.lock.timeout", 4000); In addition , the hint can be set for a specific ... , LockModeType . NONE ); Other Explicit Lock Modes In addition to the two main pessimistic modes ( PESSIMISTIC_WRITE and PESSIMISTIC_READ, which are discussed above), JPA defines additional lock modes | |
Query Parameters in JPA). Ordinal Parameters (?index) In addition to named parameters, whose form is :name , JPQL ... the query and may help in hacking the system. In addition , parameters are more flexible and support ... in a query, which is essential whenever using query parameters. In addition , there are 9 methods | |
JPA Persistable Types . In addition , only instances of entity classes preserve identity and are stored ... values or instances of persistable types. In addition to the collection and map classes | |
FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API) an additional type of identification variable, a join variable, which represent a more limited ... variable that serves as a root and additional join variables that are bound to path expressions | |
Schema Update. All the classes in that package are moved to the new package name. In addition , whether or not a new ... in the element the name value of the element is used. In addition , whether or not a new-name | |
JPA Annotations for Fields The way a field of a persistable class is managed by JPA can be set by the following annotations: Additional annotations (and enum) are designated for enum fields: Other additional annotations (and enum) are designated for date and calendar fields: Chapter 2 of the ObjectDB manual explains how to use all the above annotations. | |
JPA Query Expressions (JPQL / Criteria) : * (multiplication), / (division), + ( addition ) and - (subtraction). Comparison operators ... , [NOT] MEMBER [OF] and the [NOT] LIKE operator. Logical operators : AND, OR, NOT. In addition , JPA | |
Numbers in JPQL and Criteria Queries binary operators: + ( addition ), - (subtraction), * (multiplication) and / (division). ObjectDB ... . get ("population"); Expression param = cb. parameter (Integer.class); // Addition (+) Expression sum1 = cb. sum | |
ObjectDB License databases (for which licenses have been purchased) does not require additional separate licenses. Purchase ... organization in one building, and in addition also covers installation of ObjectDB on: Home computers | |
Defining a JPA Entity Class is an ordinary Java class. The only unique JPA addition is the @Entity annotation, which marks the class as ... when an entity object is persisted. Chapter 2 provides additional information on how to define entity | |
JPA Query API a TypedQuery instance the expected result type has to be passed as an additional argument, as ... and execute queries in JPA: In addition , the syntax of the JPA Query Language (JPQL) is described in: | |
Running JPA Queries other case. In addition , the Query interface defines a method for running DELETE and UPDATE queries ... an additional method, getSingleResult , as a more convenient method when exactly one result object is expected | |
General Settings and Logging should also be written to the standard output and the standard error (respectively) in addition ... , which can be shown in the default configuration above, represents the entire ObjectDB system. Additional | |
Database Management Settings the size by which to extend the database file when additional space is needed. Small initial size | |
JPA Entity Fields with the Version annotation. In addition , a version field should have a numeric type: @Entity | |
Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries Hints Additional settings can be applied to queries via hints. Supported Query Hints ObjectDB | |
ObjectDB License Agreement [ver. 2.0.4] prevail s over any conflicting or additional terms of any oral or written quote, acknowledg e ment | |
Detached Entity Objects EntityManager . In addition , in JPA 2 we can detach an entity object by using the detach method: em. detach | |
Strings in JPQL and Criteria Queries (path, param); Predicate l4 = cb. notLike (path, "a%"); // additional methods take also an escape | |
Collections in JPQL and Criteria Queries an additional method for checking if a specified element is contained in a collection. JPA | |
Logical Operators in JPQL and Criteria API, isLarge); // Either OECD member or large Additional factory methods are available for a variant number | |
JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria) elements such as names of entity classes and persistent fields, which are case sensitive. In addition | |
JPA Reference (JavaDoc) This reference contains the API documentation (similar to JavaDoc) of the Java Persistence API (JPA) 2.0. The content is derived from the original JPA documentation (in the EclipseLink JPA 2 RI) with some additions and notes. The JPA types are organized into the following sections: The purpose | |
Retrieving JPA Entity Objects of additional entity objects. By default, a retrieval operation is automatically cascaded through all the non | |
JPA Class Enhancer method as a single string delimited by commas or spaces. In addition , a class loader for loading | |
Privacy Policy to provide Us additional Personal Data that you are allowed to share with Us using private support tickets | |
What are the main benefits of using ObjectDB? multiple values (even for a simple data structure such as a collection of strings). In addition | |
Database Schema Evolution Modifications to entity classes that do not change their persistent field definitions (their schema) are transparent to ObjectDB. This includes adding, removing and modifying constructors, methods and non persistent fields. However, additions , deletions and modifications to the persistent fields | |
Sequence.allocate(additional) - JDO Method JDO Method in javax.jdo.datastore.Sequence void allocate ( int additional ) Provides a hint to the implementation that the application will need additional sequence value objects in ... improve the efficiency of the algorithm of obtaining additional sequence value objects. Parameters | |
[ODB1] Chapter 6 - Persistent Objects (a complete list of persistent types is available at section 3.2 ). ObjectDB provides an additional ... . An embedded object cannot be shared by references from multiple objects. In addition , embedded objects ... ( ... ) method throws a JDOUserException if the name is already in use. In addition to the naming issue | |
[ODB1] Chapter 2 - A Quick Tour collections) can be stored only as fields of persistent classes. In addition , objects are stored ... Code In addition to the two files from the previous section ( and package.jdo ... . To use it, an additional main class, named eMain (enhancer Main) is defined: 1 // An enhancer main | |
[ODB1] Chapter 9 - ObjectDB Explorer is equivalent to the following command: java -Xms16m -Xmx512m -jar odbfe.jar In addition , any JVM argument ... "Tools | Options | General | Display"). Additional information about working with viewer windows ... the number of objects to construct and their type. Additional information is required for specific types | |
Step 4: Run the Application directory. Running the application again will use the existing database file to store an additional | |
Spring MVC and JPA Tutorial addition , the demonstrated application is available as a Maven project: | |
Step 6: Set the Spring XML to the Spring dispatcher servlet. Additional spring configuration is set in another XML file | |
Step 6: Set the Spring XML above routes web requests with .html suffix to the Spring dispatcher servlet. Additional spring | |
Step 1: Create a Java EE 6 Web Project and the Download additional server adapters link. Follow the instructions and specify the path | |
JPA Tutorials by step instructions on how to create the sample applications. In addition , the sample applications | |
Java EE Web Tutorial database. This tutorial is available in the following versions: In addition the demonstrated application is available as a Maven project: | |
Step 4: Run the Application the existing database file to store an additional 1000 objects. You can view the content of the database file | |
JPA Web Application Tutorial database. This tutorial is available in the following versions: In addition the demonstrated application is available as a Maven project: | |
Getting Started with JPA is available in the following versions: In addition the demonstrated application is available as a Maven project: | |
[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes support for additional types is to define new persistent classes. For example, the class java.awt ... because it might require loading additional data and objects from the database (as part of transparent ... that applies on the fly enhancement: package test; /** Additional main - On the Fly JDO Enhancer */ public | |
[ODB1] Chapter 1 - About ObjectDB with tables, records and SQL in addition to the application's classes and objects. ObjectDB is JDO ... DB2 and Microsoft SQL Server. In addition , by using JDO you are backed up by a large community ... on the embedded database edition, but has some additional restrictions and limitations. This developer's | |
[ODB1] Chapter 8 - ObjectDB Server An ObjectDB server can manage one or more databases. Databases that are managed by a server can be accessed by multiple processes simultaneously. In addition , the server supports accessing ... to view the directory content (using the Explorer). Additional permissions are granted using the sub | |
[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections that the code above may throw an IOException if the file is not found. In addition ... should be specified in order to change the default. In addition , the PersistenceManagerFactory class includes | |
[ODB1] Chapter 4 - JDO Metadata the default package) and classes B , C and D (in package test ), as persistent. In addition to the required ... and cannot be shared by references from multiple objects. In addition , embedded objects of persistent classes |