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Like fails if both underscore and percent are used

); em.getTransaction().begin(); for(StringHolder item : getAll ... "); assertEquals(0, getAll().size()); //DB is empty em.getTransaction().begin(); em

Unexpected exception (error 990)

("no")) { em.getTransaction().begin(); Vehiculo v1 = new Vehiculo ... (); } else { em.getTransaction().begin(); Coche c1 = new Coche(); em.persist

ObjectDB Enincompatible with Quarkus?

"Film" must not begin with "__", which is reserved by GraphQL introspection. ie ... " must not begin with "__", which is reserved by GraphQL introspection.   

pesimistic Lock semantic

.currentTransaction().setOptimistic(false); pm1.currentTransaction().begin(); long numOfPictures ... .getPersistenceManager(); pm2.currentTransaction().setOptimistic(false); pm2.currentTransaction().begin

Compile time enhancement using build.xml of a Netbeans web application

-config"> <target name="-post-compile">   <echo message="begin ObjectDB enhancer"/> ... : begin ObjectDB enhancer"/> <java classname="com.objectdb.Enhancer" fork="true

Should I be able to persist a JFrame (or gui components in general)?

(); a.setVisible(true); em.getTransaction().begin(); contacts.add(a); em ... > System.out.println(a.pJTextField1.getText()); //did have text when ran em.getTransaction().begin();

Field not persisted in abstract class with two level of nesting

();         em.getTransaction().begin();       ... ;  em.getTransaction().begin();         TZ2 tz = new TZ2("GMT

preUpdate-methods are called when there is no change

begin/commit will end up in updating the Entity even there was no change. begin(); connection.getTransaction

Schema-Update: Rename superclass and remove one subclass

.createEntityManager(); // // Persist an entity em.getTransaction().begin(); ChildClassA entity1 = new ... .getTransaction().begin(); // do something ChildClassA entityWithID1 = em.find(ChildClassA

Issue with cascade delete & add/remove

Address("2", "2", "2"));         em.getTransaction().begin ... ().begin();         Address address_1 = contact.getAddresses