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EntityManager refresh problem

");             entityManager.getTransaction().begin

Join query problem with new statetment

Inspiration and Product were from the beginning tagged as @Entity and I don't think it was ever changed. I've

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

General Performance Issues Illustrated with a Specific Method

java.sql.Time field off by 30 minutes

.getTransaction().begin();         em.persist(e);    

Need help to make this test work and define proper annotations for entities Lists

.getTransaction().begin();             OrderDat ord

List of Enum Values in an entity

();         em.getTransaction().begin();      

OneToMany and cascade delete problem

.getTransaction().begin();     Product p = em.find(Product.class, 54);  

How to Remove records from many to many relationship tables in JPA

); entityManager.getTransaction().begin(); entityManager.remove(conclusion); entityManager

Use temporary files to enable very large transactions

.getTransaction().begin();   for (int i = 0; i < 3000000; i++) {        

Eager Fetch of Map with Entities as Keys

.getTransaction().begin();         MyEntity entity = new MyEntity();