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Unexpected NoSuchFieldError exception

.PersistenceException Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active (error 612) at com.objectdb.jpa.EMImpl.begin( at javax.persistence.EntityTransaction$ Source) at app.database.ObjectDbDatabase.transact(ObjectDbDatabase.groovy:81


/jpa/EntityTransaction/begin" title="Method of javax.persistence.EntityTransaction">begin


JDO JavaDoc Reference Documentation -


id as of the beginning of the current transaction. beginning of the transaction.


persistent instances are restored to their values as of the beginning of the transaction, and the instances ... reference types are restored to their values as of the beginning of the transaction. If


of the beginning of the current transaction. Returns: a copy of the ObjectId of this instance as of the beginning


of newly persistent instances are restored to their values as of the beginning of the transaction ... and immutable reference types are restored to their values as of the beginning of the transaction


> a copy of the ObjectId of the parameter instance as of the beginning


key fields, then this method returns the identity as of the beginning of the transaction. The value


returns the identity as of the beginning of the transaction.