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Database size is much larger than expected (x2)

.getTransaction().begin();             em.persist(new ... .begin();   for (; i<iNumber; i++){    Uris uri = new Uris();    String ... ;   trans.begin();    }   }   trans.commit();   return iSum

"Attempt to lock a non entity object" error

().begin();         em.persist(p);      ... ;   em.getTransaction().begin();         p = em ... ().rollback();         em.getTransaction().begin();   

Question about modification

;                   em.getTransaction().begin();   ... ;           em.getTransaction().begin();           ... ;         em.getTransaction().begin();          

Visibility of changes in Transaction is not visible to a JPA QL Query

;  .lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");    tx.begin();    ...      .lookup("java:comp/UserTransaction");    tx.begin();    ... . what was there at the beginning of the transaction as then operated on by the subsequent transactional ops ) then I

Cannot save or update entity on Spring App

(); if (! em.getTransaction().isActive()) em.getTransaction().begin(); em.persist ... .getTransaction().begin(); em.merge(guest); em.getTransaction().commit(); em.flush ... ().isActive()) em.getTransaction().begin(); Query q = em.createQuery(query

EntityTransaction.commit() does not release a pessimistic lock

.odb"); EntityManager em = emf.createEntityManager(); em.getTransaction().begin(); em ... = emf.createEntityManager(); em1.getTransaction().begin(); Account a1 = em1.find(Account.class ... again EntityManager em2 = emf.createEntityManager(); em2.getTransaction().begin(); Account a2

Best practise loading big data

(); // create values em.getTransaction().begin(); MyStepBlockCollection ... (); sbc = null; long counter = 0; em.getTransaction().begin(); sbc ... ;       em.getTransaction().begin();         StepBlockCollection

Unexpected exception (Error 990) - Merge with no Transaction

.getTransaction().begin();      A a = new A("first version");    ... ;    em.getTransaction().begin();      em.merge(a).setValue ... :115) ObjectDB always fails for this use case. I can make the code work by beginning

Sometimes cascade persist does not work during commit

(); em.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.AUTO); em.getTransaction().begin(); em ... (); em.setFlushMode(FlushModeType.AUTO); em.getTransaction().begin(); Query ... with complete begin-commit transactions, then this indeed should work. support Support

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection

detail version: 1.8.0_74 ObjectDB enhancer: begin: (all classes within entity packages): javac ... .."); em.getTransaction().begin(); em.persist(project); //rely on Cascade all on ownedElements ... detail version: 1.8.0_74 ObjectDB enhancer: begin: (all classes within entity packages): javac.classpath:lib