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1-10 of 200 resultsRefreshManyToMany.cascade">CascadeType[] cascade (Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association. When the target collection is a java.util.Map, the cascade element applies to the map value. Defaults to no operations | |
OneToMany.cascade">CascadeType[] cascade (Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association. Defaults to no operations being cascaded. When the target collection is a java.util.Map, the cascade element applies to the map | |
ManyToOne.cascade">CascadeType[] cascade (Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association. By default no operations are cascaded. | |
OneToOne.cascade">CascadeType[] cascade (Optional) The operations that must be cascaded to the target of the association. By default no operations are cascaded. | |
Storing JPA Entity Objects of a cascade operation. Explicit Persist The following code stores ... object or alternatively by setting automatic cascading persist. Cascading Persist Marking ... /jpa/EntityManager/persist_Object">persist operations should be cascaded automatically to entity | |
Detached Entity Objects an entity object. Cascading Detach Marking a reference field with cascaded automatically to entity objects that are referenced by that field (multiple entity ... (cascade">cascade=CascadeType | |
Entity Management Settings;fetch hollow="true" /> <persist serialization="false" /> <cascade-persist always="auto ... embeddable class). The <cascade-persist> element <cascade-persist always="auto" on-persist="false" on-commit="true" /> The <cascade | |
Retrieving JPA Entity Objects retrieval of additional entity objects. By default, a retrieval operation is automatically cascaded ... cascaded retrieval by using a lazy fetch type: cascaded through the field. Explicitly specifying FetchType | |
Deleting JPA Entity Objects a result of a cascade operation. Explicit Remove In order to delete ... that modify the database require an active transaction. Cascading Remove Marking ... /remove_Object">remove operations should be cascaded automatically to entity objects | |
ForeignKeyAction.CASCADE Enum Constant javax.jdo.annotations.ForeignKeyActionCASCADE Since: JDO 2.1 |