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Double persist of Entity field with Cascade.ALL

= GenerationType.AUTO) private Long id; private String bookTitle; @OneToMany(cascade= CascadeType ... Burabari Kpai Your test project demonstrates a bug in cascading merge to new entity objects.

Cascading makeTransient

that makeTransient() should work somehow cascading even for the fields of the Entity, but it does not. Cascading makeTransient may solve the issue, but may cause

Cascade delete with unidirectional mapping

to A and A has none. Is there a way to cascade delete of B's when deleting A? Or this should be done programatically with separate call to database? vachagan Vachagan Operations are cascaded using

Selective merge/cascade of detatched entity

Salesman { private String name; @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType ... that is too slow. The problem is with the cascading merge operation that becomes too heavy

Puzzler: Not getting cascades on read from Spring context

cascading. My best guess is that perhaps I have something misconfigured in my persistence.xml or

Error during cascaded merge

", cascade = CascadeType.ALL, orphanRemoval = true, fetch = FetchType.EAGER)    

ObjectDB 2.6.9_06 (embedded): Cascading merge resulting in duplicate objects

;   @OneToMany(fetch=FetchType.EAGER, cascade=CascadeType.ALL)    

Cascading (persist) with a mix of enhanced and not enhanced entities

Cascading (persist) with a mix of enhanced and not enhanced entities

Cascade.ALL with LAZY fetchtype does not clean up all references on remove

Hello, I have a tree of entity classes that reference others using Cascade.ALL in combination with FetchType.LAZY. If I now delete a root entity using EntityManager.remove all leaf nodes will not be deleted. This only applies to the leaf nodes. If I add an additional

JPA Entity Fields

(cascade">cascade=null value in that field. Cascade