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Configure ObjectDB in spring context

> My goal is to configure entire ObjectDB (optionally objectdb.conf too) in springs context ... -context.xml) look like this <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8 ... ="hibernate.current_session_context_class">thread</prop> <prop key="hibernate

Puzzler: Not getting cascades on read from Spring context

my context.    -dh dhosek Don Hosek Fetching doesn't work

How to define Default Entity Listeners without persistence.xml and orm.xml

Default Entity Listeners. How to do ? Here my init code: Thanks for any help   mgangat Mahmoud Defining default listeners ... listeners using annotations (at least in JPA 2.0). support Support Is there a way using

Database Server

on which the server listens for new connections is also specified in the Right click the icon and use the context menu to manage

objectdb-2.6.9_06: Extended Persistence Context fails: 'Attempt to begin a new transaction when a transaction is active'

related: How to Use a SF with extended Persistence Context? [EDIT ... () and has an entity manager with an extended persistence context. The basic idea (which used ... with the extended persistence context entity manager is: @Stateful

ObjectDB Object Database Features

callback methods and listeners_and_external_callback_methods">listener classes. JDO callback methods and listener classes.


context">javax.jdolistener/ClearCallback" title="Interface in javax.jdo.listener">ClearCallback , listener/DeleteCallback" title="Interface in javax.jdo.listener">


context">listener/DeleteLifecycleListener" title="Interface in javax.jdo.listener">javax.jdo.listener.DeleteLifecycleListenervoid preDelete(  listener/InstanceLifecycleEvent" title="Class in javax.jdo


context">listener/LoadLifecycleListener" title="Interface in javax.jdo.listener">javax.jdo.listener.LoadLifecycleListenervoid postLoad(  listener/InstanceLifecycleEvent" title="Class in javax.jdo.listener


context">listener/DetachLifecycleListener" title="Interface in javax.jdo.listener">javax.jdo.listener.DetachLifecycleListenervoid preDetach(  listener/InstanceLifecycleEvent" title="Class in javax.jdo