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> () Called before the instance is deleted. deleted. This method is called before the state transition to persistent-deleted or persistent-new-deleted. Access to field values within this call are valid. Access to field values


, and will be deleted when the owner is deleted. Returns: whether the element is dependent on the owner, and will be deleted when the owner is deleted Default value:


has been deleted. Instances that have been deleted in the current transaction return Boolean.TRUE . Instances known by the implementation to be non-deleted return deleted in the current transaction.


> Whether related object(s) of this member are dependent and so deleted when this object is deleted. Whether related object(s) of this member are dependent and so deleted when this object


/java/jdo/ObjectState/PERSISTENT_DELETED" title="Enum Constant of javax.jdo.ObjectState">PERSISTENT_DELETED DELETED" title="Enum Constant of javax.jdo


"> Invoked whenever a persistent instance is deleted, for example during deleted. Access to field values is not permitted. - the delete event. Since: JDO 2.0


> Tests whether the parameter instance has been deleted. Instances that have been deleted in the current transaction return true . Transient ... > true if the parameter instance was deleted in the current


> Tests whether this object has been deleted. Instances that have been deleted in the current transaction return true. Transient instances return false. deleted in the current transaction.


> Tests whether this object has been deleted. Instances that have been deleted in the current transaction return true . Returns: true if this instance was deleted in


> Called before the instance is deleted. This method is called before the state transition to persistent-deleted or persistent-new-deleted. Access to field values