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Need disk usage and delete some old files

    Hello , is it possible to get disk usage of database ? If disk usage becomes too high , delete old date files from database. And recalculate disk ... is titled "Need disk usage and delete some old files" and should be focus only on that subject. support Support

How to delete M2M relationship?

HashSet(); And i would like to delete the timeslots..i've tried something but doesnt work

Deleting a broken reference that was fixed to null in the Explorer

Using version 2.7.4_01, we did a repair. After repair a former link to a missing reference was converted to null. This cannot be deleted using explorer   hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Thank you for this report. Build 2.7.4_02 fixes the issue. support Support

cannot delete objects after crash (see issue 2283)

after the crash we cannot delete specific objects, see screenshots of explorer. Database will be soon available (size 5.561.119 KB) on, user/pw your db name, main menu option objectdb  hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker

delete of a collection in explorer changes type

accidently we used the option delete on a collection of type ArrayList<ObjectNode>. On doing so the type changed to List<ObjectNode>. we are using explorer version 2.7.1_02 How can we change that back again ? hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker

JPA Query Structure (JPQL / Criteria)

/jpa/query/jpql/from">FROM are required in every retrieval query (update and delete queries ... >The structure of JPQL delete">DELETE and UPDATE queries is simpler: DELETE FROM

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

/jpa/persistence/delete">delete, etc. Query results are not limited to entity objects ... for displaying information efficiently. They are less productive with operations that update or delete

Database Management Settings

when a database is opened and deleted by ObjectDB when the database is closed. The name of the recovery file ... ). The content of these temporary databases is deleted when using the

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

>, just before an object is deleted. A possible action is to delete depended persistent objects as ... is deleted, the two referred Point instances are deleted with it. 3.5  

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

, retrieving, updating and deleting database objects, are provided in the next chapter (delete ... the temporary file is marked as obsolete (and for efficiency, it is deleted only when the database