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> P1 (Dirty read): Transaction T1 modifies a row. Another transaction T2 then reads ... > P1 (Dirty read): Transaction T1 modifies a row. Another transaction T2 then reads

nonBinaryCompatibleMakeDirty(pc, fieldName)

"> Mark a non-binary-compatible instance dirty. Delegate to all registered StateInterrogation instances ... > Parameters: pc - the instance to mark dirty fieldName - the field to mark dirty

makeDirty(pc, fieldName)

"> Explicitly mark the parameter instance and field dirty. Normally, PersistenceCapabledirty. Since:


is dirty. Instances that have been modified, deleted, newly made persistent in the current transaction, or ... the implementation to be non-dirty return Boolean.FALSE. Instances not


/java/jdo/listener/InstanceLifecycleEvent/DIRTY" title="Static Field of javax.jdo.listener.InstanceLifecycleEvent">DIRTY


the corresponding instance dirty. If it cannot determine if changes were made, then it must mark the instance dirty. No consistency checking is done during makePersistent of detached instances. If consistency

makeDirty(pc, fieldName)

instance and field dirty. Normally, PersistenceCapable classes are able ... . fieldName - the name of the field to be marked dirty


directly and change their state from detached-clean to persistent-clean or from detached-dirty to persistent-dirty. Parameters:


-dirty to persistent-dirty. Parameters


"> Flushes all dirty, new, and deleted instances to the data store. It has no effect if a transaction