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Entity Update - Is the documentation up to date?

the containing entity object dirty, but if it is marked dirty because of another change, the array ... to understand the "dirtying" of entities a little better.  If an array reference (the array ... that is the same as the old value, will the entity be marked dirty?  If I want to avoid

makeDirty(pc, fieldName)

PersistenceCapable field dirty. The StateManager


"> Flushes all dirty, new, and deleted instances to the data store. It has no effect


class="description"> Tests whether this object is dirty. Instances that have been modified


and the instances revert to transient. Additionally, dirty instances transition to hollow


whenever a persistent instance is first made dirty, during an operation that modifies the value


"> Invoked whenever a persistent instance is first made dirty, during an operation that modifies the value


> Tests whether this object is dirty. Instances


including the number of dependent and embedded instances. Dirty instances of affected


> Tests whether the parameter instance is dirty. Instances