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Entity listener - event instead of object

. Because of that, I can't store separate entity for given event. Right now I'm using BaseEntity ... ; activities; This way I can add events to given object without using EM to persist new object ... ="pre-java"> @Override     public final boolean onPreUpdate(PreUpdateEvent event

JPA Primary Key

> As an example, consider a real time system that detects events from various sensors and stores the details in a database. Each event is represented by an Event entity object that holds time, sensor ID and additional details. Suppose that queries that retrieve all the events


">InstanceLifecycleEvent event) event - the store event.


.listener">InstanceLifecycleEvent event) Parameters: event - the attach event.


.listener">InstanceLifecycleEvent event) event - the attach event.


">InstanceLifecycleEvent event) Invoked ... ="parameters"> Parameters: event


">InstanceLifecycleEvent event) Parameters: event


 event) This method gets called ... : event - a RegisterClassEvent


Static Field javax.jdo.ConstantsString OPTION_PREDIRTY_EVENT "javax.jdo.option

[ODB1] Chapter 3 - Persistent Classes

.jdo.InstanceCallbacks interface represents events in a persistent object's lifecycle. By implementing the InstanceCallbacks interface, a persistent class can handle these events ... when the persistent fields are going to be cleared at transaction end (for example on rollback). This event