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UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer

example.jar then I get the exception: com.objectdb.o.UserException: Package com.example.model is not found by the enhancer It occurs on this line: com.objectdb.Enhancer.enhance("com.example.model" + ".*");

Suggestion for improving the examples

, QUERIES and INDEXES were included. Frankly it is a huge wast those examples have not been provided. For example: Take the ridiculously complicated concept of @Embeddable class e.g ... not in the example. Wait but what about some named queries to go with that @Entity? Nope

Concerning coding style of the example in the posting instructions

> I write with reference to the coding example in the posting instructions and many of your other examples posted in the forums. While I appreciate the recommended coding style as shown makes for convenient minimal examples and test cases,  I contest

ObjectDB CRUD Examples

> We do not have specific NetBeans examples in addition to the tutorials. examples: difficult as they don't really give a full example of what to do. This makes it difficult as this is really the only place

ObjectDB and Spring Boot - sharing a simple working example

a simple working example of ObjectDB and Spring Boot. The code of the example can be found here:  The example

Guestbook example from tutorial does not work.

. But thats a maven example. If i place the object-jee.jarexamples have been updated and tested successfully with TomEE 1.7.2 and ObjectDB 2.6.2_02. support Support

Suggest link to Maven example from Enhancer tool page

The maven plugin example here is incomplete: ... there to the tutorial example:

Example database world.odb

Hello! Where can I find classes for example database world.odb? Thanks for the answer.   Robin_2005 Kompan Serge The source code ... want to see a working example :-) Robin_2005 Kompan Serge Persisting objects

Examples of queries

Dear ObjectDB, Is there somewhere an example in Java that uses getResultList for a Group by query. Like: SELECT ProductID ,SUM(Quantity) FROM OrderDetails Group by ProductID;  Best Regards, Paul paulfo Paul Boon

Your Glassfish example on the web

Hi, I'm doing a school project with objectdb and glassfish. I have tried your web tutorial "Java EE JPA (Glassfish) with Netbeans". When I try to run the example and add an entry in the guestbook, it throws this exception: com.objectdb.o