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Calculating age in query?

Hi! I've got an issue: I have a birthdate as java.sql.Date and a separate field int age. However, of course the age is not accurate because it gets set only once. So what's the best bet (JPA Standard way) to solve the issue of accessing and filtering by an age (having

Eclipse plugin problem (using ObjectDB as a separate bundle)

>6. Click (in eclipse) File >> New >> Other 7. Type e4 in the wizards filter

com.objectdb.o.TEX: Type ... is not found, for a class that's already been enhanced successfully.

-planning vars="a" filter="null">     <step vars="()+a" future="true">  

Weird issue with variable naming

> quasado Alexander Adam oh and we re-use a join setup in our filter for the order by clause

Typo in ObjectDB 1.0 Manual

Support > Knowledge Base > ObjectDB 1.0 Manual > Chapter 7 "JDOQL Queries" > Section 7.2 "Query Filter Syntax" > Subsection "Fields" > Second to last sentence Remove "not" from that sentence.   "An attempt to access a field or

Unexpected Query Token / Casting in Query

what filter code the user will input) Alex quasado Alexander Adam The second

ObjectDB 2.4.4

/913">bug in filtering mapped by objects by type. Fixed a