Internal Website Search

31-40 of 87 resultsRefresh

em.flush(); em.clear(); loosing data and not persisting managed objects

> [2011-05-05 22:28:02 #136 query.compiler] <query-planning filter="($1.addDate!=null)"> <step step="1" var="$1" filter="($1.addDate!=null)"> <allPlans> <filterPlan plan="filter(extract($1,type(Notes[all])),($1.addDate!=null))" eval="3.4426" var

Multitenancy with discriminator

of the Hibernate "Filters" feature and of the EclipseLink "Single Table Multitenancy with discriminator" feature in order to implement entities filtering based ... ;is intended to be a discriminator by which filtering entities. The filtering feature also involved

com.objectdb.o.NLV cannot be cast to com.objectdb.o.RSV

;orderPlan plan="sort($1:filter(filter(extract($1,type(ChatHistoryItem[all])),not(($1.isSystem=true))),$1.isPriority) <x> $2:filter(extract($2,bound($1.recipient)),($'22afeafe-363f-4397-8553 ... ;multiVarPlan plan="$1:filter(filter(extract($1,type(ChatHistoryItem[all])),not(($1.isSystem=true))),$1

virtual servers and one file

virtual servers and one file


. If the filter would normally return 100 instances, and fromIncl is set to 50, and toExcl is set to 70

setRange(fromIncl, toExcl)

. The execution of the query is modified to return only a subset of results. If the filter would normally


the filter. Parameters:


that are of the specified class are filtered before being put into the result Collection.


the filter. Parameters:


might be used in the filter, and these variables must be declared with their type. The unbound variable