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query hint

some years ago there was a chat around query hints ... but we do not see that our hint is used this is the query: SELECT DISTINCT o from ... -plan-text=index(ctso['(TC)'->'(TC)']] but the index that is in the hint is not used


="Annotation in javax.persistence">QueryHint[] hints (Optional) Query properties and hints. May include vendor-specific query hints.


/QueryHint" title="Annotation in javax.persistence">QueryHint[] hints Query properties and hints. (May include vendor-specific query hints.)

Setting and Tuning of JPA Queries

. Query Hints Additional settings can be applied to queries via hints. Supported Query Hints ObjectDB supports the following query hints ... may already be available in the cache. Setting Query Hint (Scopes)

Read only hint for query

Second thing after @FetchGroup I've found is read-only hint for EM. You can specify this hint to EM when executing query meaning that returned data will never be edited or persisted. My understanding of this is that each entity returned from query is in detached state as default state

Locking in JPA

. The "javax.persistence.lock.timeout" hint can be set to allow waiting for a pessimistic lock for a specified number of milliseconds. The hint can be set in several scopes: setProperty("javax.persistence.lock.timeout", 4000); In addition, the hint can be set


is contained in the persistence context, it is returned from there. If a vendor-specific property or hint ... -specific properties and hints If a vendor-specific property or hint is not recognized, it is silently ignored.

Database Management Settings

performance. The max attribute is a hint that specifies the space ... > The cache attribute is a hint that specifies the amount of memory

JPA Named Queries

/NamedQuery/lockMode">lockMode and hints">hints


> at transaction completion. This method allows the application to explicitly provide a hint