JPA Named Queries
A named query is a statically defined query with a predefined unchangeable query string. Using named queries instead of dynamic queries may improve code organization by separating the JPQL query strings from the Java code. It also enforces the use of query parameters rather than embedding literals dynamically into the query string and results in more efficient queries.
This page covers the following topics:
@NamedQuery and @NamedQueries Annotations
The following @NamedQueryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery - JPA AnnotationSpecifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language.
annotation defines a query whose name is "Country.findAll"
that retrieves all the Country
objects in the database:
@NamedQueryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery - JPA AnnotationSpecifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language.( - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required) The name used to refer to the query with the {@link EntityManager} methods that create query objects.="Country.findAll", queryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery.query - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required) The query string in the Java Persistence query language.="SELECT c FROM Country c")
The @NamedQueryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery - JPA AnnotationSpecifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language.
annotation contains four elements - two of which are required and two are optional. The two required elements, - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required) The name used to refer to the query with the {@link EntityManager}
methods that create query objects.
and queryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery.query - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required)
The query string in the Java Persistence query language.
define the name of the query and the query string itself and are demonstrated above. The two optional elements, lockModejavax.persistence.NamedQuery.lockMode - JPA Annotation Attribute(Optional) The lock mode type to use in query execution.
and hintsjavax.persistence.NamedQuery.hints - JPA Annotation Attribute(Optional) Query properties and hints.
, provide static replacement for the setLockModeQuery.setLockMode(lockMode) - JPA MethodSet the lock mode type to be used for the query execution.
and setHintQuery.setHint(hintName,value) - JPA MethodSet a query property or hint.
Every @NamedQueryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery - JPA AnnotationSpecifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language.
annotation is attached to exactly one entity class or mapped superclass - usually to the most relevant entity class. But since the scope of named queries is the entire persistence unit, names should be selected carefully to avoid collision (e.g. by using the unique entity name as a prefix).
It makes sense to add the above @NamedQueryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery - JPA AnnotationSpecifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language.
to the Country
entity class:
@Entityjavax.persistence.Entity - JPA AnnotationSpecifies that the class is an entity. @NamedQueryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery - JPA AnnotationSpecifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language.( - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required) The name used to refer to the query with the {@link EntityManager} methods that create query objects.="Country.findAll", queryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery.query - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required) The query string in the Java Persistence query language.="SELECT c FROM Country c") public class Country { ... }
Attaching multiple named queries to the same entity class requires wrapping them in a @NamedQueriesjavax.persistence.NamedQueries - JPA AnnotationSpecifies multiple named Java Persistence query language queries.
annotation, as follows:
@Entityjavax.persistence.Entity - JPA AnnotationSpecifies that the class is an entity. @NamedQueries({ @NamedQueryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery - JPA AnnotationSpecifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language.( - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required) The name used to refer to the query with the {@link EntityManager} methods that create query objects.="Country.findAll", queryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery.query - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required) The query string in the Java Persistence query language.="SELECT c FROM Country c"), @NamedQueryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery - JPA AnnotationSpecifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language.( - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required) The name used to refer to the query with the {@link EntityManager} methods that create query objects.="Country.findByName", queryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery.query - JPA Annotation Attribute(Required) The query string in the Java Persistence query language.="SELECT c FROM Country c WHERE = :name"), }) public class Country { ... }
@NamedQueryjavax.persistence.NamedQuery - JPA AnnotationSpecifies a static, named query in the Java Persistence query language.
annotation. ObjectDB supports JPA XML mapping files, including the definition of named queries. But, because mapping files are useful mainly for Object Relational Mapping (ORM) JPA providers and less so when using ObjectDB, this alternative is not covered in this manual. Using Named Queries at Runtime
Named queries are represented at runtime by the same Query
javax.persistence.Query - JPA InterfaceInterface used to control query execution.javax.jdo.Query - JDO InterfaceThe Query
interface allows applications to obtain persistent instances, values, and aggregate data from the data store. and TypedQueryjavax.persistence.TypedQuery
interfaces but different EntityManager
javax.persistence.EntityManager - JPA InterfaceInterface used to interact with the persistence context. factory methods are used to instantiate them. The createNamedQueryEntityManager.createNamedQuery(name,resultClass) - JPA MethodCreate an instance of
method receives a query name and a result type and returns a TypedQuery
for executing a
Java Persistence query language named query.TypedQueryjavax.persistence.TypedQuery
TypedQueryjavax.persistence.TypedQuery- JPA Interface Interface used to control the execution of typed queries.<Country> query = em.createNamedQueryEntityManager.createNamedQuery(name,resultClass) - JPA MethodCreate an instance ofTypedQuery
for executing a Java Persistence query language named query.("Country.findAll", Country.class); List<Country> results = query.getResultListTypedQuery.getResultList() - JPA MethodExecute a SELECT query and return the query results as a typed List.();
Another form of createNamedQueryEntityManager.createNamedQuery(name) - JPA MethodCreate an instance of
receives a query name and returns a Query
for executing a named query
(in the Java Persistence query language or in native SQL).Queryjavax.persistence.Query - JPA InterfaceInterface used to control query execution.javax.jdo.Query - JDO InterfaceThe
instance: Query
interface allows applications to obtain persistent
instances, values, and aggregate data
from the data store.
Queryjavax.persistence.Query - JPA InterfaceInterface used to control query execution.javax.jdo.Query - JDO InterfaceTheQuery
interface allows applications to obtain persistent instances, values, and aggregate data from the data store. query = em.createNamedQueryEntityManager.createNamedQuery(name) - JPA MethodCreate an instance ofQuery
for executing a named query (in the Java Persistence query language or in native SQL).("Country.findAll"); List results = query.getResultListQuery.getResultList() - JPA MethodExecute a SELECT query and return the query results as an untyped List.();
One of the reasons that JPA requires the listing of managed classes in a persistence unit definition is to support named queries. Notice that named queries may be attached to any entity class or mapped superclass. Therefore, to be able to always locate any named query at runtime a list of all these managed persistable classes must be available.
ObjectDB makes the definition of a persistence unit optional. Named queries are automatically searched for in all the managed classes that ObjectDB is aware of, and that includes all the entity classes that have objects in the database. However, an attempt to use a named query still might fail if that named query is defined on a class that is still unknown to ObjectDB.
As a workaround, you may introduce classes to ObjectDB before accessing named queries, by using the JPA 2 Metamodeljavax.persistence.metamodel.Metamodel - JPA InterfaceProvides access to the metamodel of persistent
entities in the persistence unit.
interface. For example:
em.getMetamodelEntityManager.getMetamodel() - JPA MethodReturn an instance of Metamodel
interface for access to the
metamodel of the persistence unit.().managedTypeMetamodel.managedType(cls) - JPA MethodReturn the metamodel managed type representing the
entity, mapped superclass, or embeddable class.(MyEntity.class);
Following the above code ObjectDB will include MyEntity
in searching named queries.