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Left join fetch behaviour doesn't retrieve children?

Hello, I'm a little bit confused about a left join fetch behaviour. In this test case, i try to fetch my 3 children using a left join fetch.join fetch         em = emf

LEFT JOIN FETCH over empty embedded collection returns no results

First of all, thank you for promptly implementing JOIN FETCH over nested paths in ... : if an embedded collection is empty, but I attempt to LEFT JOIN FETCH all the members of a collection ... , the following works (returns my instance of C): SELECT c FROM C c LEFT JOIN

multiple LEFT JOINs do not work as expected

$1 FROM Organisation $1 JOIN $1.attributeList $2 LEFT JOIN $1.parentOrg $3 LEFT JOIN $3.parentOrg $4 WHERE ((($'Attribute1') AND ($2.valueAsString='1')) AND (($3 ... Joins this query should return all organisation under the root organisation and all organisations

How do I achieve a Deep Fetch using JOIN FETCH?

"> SELECT c FROM C JOIN FETCH c.bList WHERE But when I attempt to take it to the 2nd level: SELECT c FROM C JOIN FETCH c.bList JOIN FETCH c.bList.aList ... -query"> SELECT c FROM C JOIN c.bList b JOIN FETCH c.bList JOIN FETCH b.aList WHERE

LazyInitialization / join fetch

_ , especialid4_.descricao descrica2_2_3_ from the User usuario0_ left outer join on area area1_ usuario0_.codigo_area = area1_.codigo left outer join on User usuario2_ usuario0_.codigo_chefe = usuario2_.codigo left outer join company empresa3_ on usuario2_.codigo_empresa = empresa3_.codigo left outer

Query with FETCH JOIN returns multiple results instead of one.

JOIN FETCH WHERE d=:demand") .setParameter("demand", demand).getResultList(); SELECT DISTINCT d FROM Demand d JOIN FETCH WHERE d=:demand SELECT d FROM Department d LEFT JOIN FETCH d.employees

Issue with Casting / Joins

().put("test", new EmbeddedA); ... // Try to query using join From<MyEntity> from = criteria.from(MyEntity.class); MapJoin<?,?,?> join = from.joinMap("embeddeds"); Path<?> pathToEmbeddedAName = join.value().get("name") <-- fails with attribute "name" not found


a join-fetched association or attribute. Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create


="/api/java/jpa/criteria/Join" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Join Create a fetch join to the specified attribute using an inner join. Create a fetch join


_7410" class="member method"> Join" title="Interface in javax.persistence.criteria">Join<X,Y> Join_" title="Method of javax.persistence.criteria