ObjectDB ObjectDB

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NPE after an @embedded obj is updated for a detached entity

I have an entity that looks like this: class User {     @embedded private Profile profile;     ... } After running something like this:     User user = entityManager.createQuery("select......     entityManager.detach(user);     user.getProfile().setDescription("Something... I

Finance data from SQL Server into ObjectDB daily

Hello - I think ObjectDB might be just the solution for our current project but I would like some feedback from the community to see if I'm thinking about it right. We have a finance data mart that is appended to daily via an SSIS package. I would like to pull the data from SQL, add it to a bean

Great product - needs better marketing - more popularity

Hi, ObjectDB! While you have a very nice product, which I recommend everywhere I go, it is quite difficult to explain to my customers what is it and why we should use it, and things like ... other, quality and popularity. What is your view on this? zmirc Mircea Chirac I'd like to add my good experience

Navigation to Collection Elements

How about arrays like x.array[1] and x.array[1][2] ? Thanks & Best Regards geekox86 Mohannad AlAwad Yes ... . How about arrays like x.array[1] and x.array[1][2] ? If such navigations in queries lead to performance

JSON serialization and __odbHidden members

it? serialization seems like a common taks to me so chances are the solution already exists. Thanks ... members. Will it solve the situation that you are currently facing? support Support Yes, it is likely

Standalone server needs dependencies?

When I connect to embedded server it works good. But when I connect to a standalone server, it will have invocation errors like can't find getters and setters. To solve this I had to export ... select statement with a where clause like where t.id=:id and t.range=:range. In fact I just removed

Compare old and new schema

my Class hierarchy like so: URLClassLoader classLoader = new URLClassLoader ... with the same class form the Class Hierarchy by loading the class with the new ClassLoader like so: Class

Modifying something with Explorer -> app JPQL with Enum doesn't work anymore

. So...it was like the query received Type.BAD as parameter. This happens regardless of Type being an inner class ... different projects. I would like so much to have this working properly. Thank you. BTW...Images are not

queries under 2.7.6_4 significantly slower than under 2.7.6

: even without using the hint, does the new version behave like 2.7.6? We will introduce hints later but want ... like the above that are entered by customers on the fly, no chance to use hints here. We need in

cannot delete objects after crash (see issue 2283)

how we can reach more reliability in situations like these ? hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker Obviously ... , it is more or less not acceptable to slow down the system like this hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker File

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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