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persitencia (Preguntas y respuestas)

:\Program Files\objectdb\objectdb-2.6.4_07\log\odb20151207.log' EntityManagerFactory registro

PersistenceManager.getObjectsById(Collection,boolean) throwing JDOException

this is running on a classified lab system, but I wrote down the following notes from our logs: [ObjectDB 2.2.4 ... found is the real problem. Could you please check the log files? You may find the complete stack

Debuging query before execution

. On the other hand multi line query can be tough to read from log files. I was thinking about this functionality in context of debugging and logging. Because of that, I'm for single line query with embedded values. lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski

Does aggregate function "greatest" work on entity objects?

) { //Logger.getLogger("------------").log(Level.INFO, this.toString() + " compareTo " + t.toString ... )t).getCreateDate().getTime())); //Logger.getLogger("------------").log(Level.INFO

em.flush(); em.clear(); loosing data and not persisting managed objects

) This is the last entries in the log with log level debug. awhawks Adam W. Hawks As far as

How find out ObjectDB version at runtime (in a web app)

at run-time ? It does not seem to be in the odb logs, and turning on the debug mode does not ... in the header of the log output. webel Dr Darren Kelly Answered here already: https://www.objectdb

Enhancer problem

Schreiber Could you check the log file for detailed stack traces? Please provide more details about how you integrate the Enhancer into the build process. support Support Thanks, The logs

queries under 2.7.6_4 significantly slower than under 2.7.6

we update to the latest version from 2.7.6. Now we have the problem that we have numerous logs indicating deep query plan checks and an overall significant performance loss in all queries ... of these logs that show deep query plan checks (and are new in 2.7.6_04)? In addition

ObjectDB 2.6.9

Added support for integration with WebSphere / Liberty application server. Fixed deleting large transaction temporary files (in the experimental large transactions feature). Fixed empty log directory creation when logging is disabled. Fixed a bug in using nested embedded objects. Fixed a query

[ObjectDB 2.5.1_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990)

I have this error in log. The query can't return result. Thanks for help. LOG: [ObjectDB 2.5.1_05] Unexpected exception (Error 990) Generated by Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM 1.7.0_55 (on Windows Server 2008 R2 6.1). Please report this error on http://www.objectdb.com/database/issue/new com

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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