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Pre-detach loading: retrieval by navigation not working in if statement

() != null && lz.getPresent().getValue()) test: - Logging the value of lz ... that is eventually used OR just used for logging or output) [EDIT: confirmed using javap -c]. logging can also trigger loading

EntityManager.find(entityClass, primaryKey) is slow when accessing non-existent IDs

:00:49.520 [main] DEBUG org.jboss.logging - Logging Provider: org.jboss.logging.Log4j2LoggerProvider

Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

/object.conf, the ObjectDB log directory is deploy/log, and the database is created by default at deploy/db/guests.odb

Filename.odb$ Persisting Issue

a debugger or printing to log o console). It will not be reached and executed if the application ... ). Unfortunately this is not something that we can solve or help with. Check the ObjectDB log file

Online backup problem

> When I turn on DEBUG logging in ODB, I get multiple ClassNotFoundExceptions like :  that is shown only in logging at DEBUG level is normal (part of the class searching process

ObjectDB-2.6.9: Failed to commit transaction: Failed to set numeric value of field property using reflection

, and for completeness you'll see a very similar error (in NetBeans8.1 if you have the Glassfish log ... reports/logging of:     "Enhancement of type ... is old ... different results (and different ObjectDB log) if I also (in addition to the post-compile enhancement

ObjectDB 2.5.5

. Added support for deleting archive log directory when the database is open ... .DATE) on some time zones. Fixed log archiving to affect only "odb*.log" files. Fixed an Explorer bug in displaying

Unexpected exception during query, if entity is not enhanced

>In a parallel secondary thread we got the following ObjectDB log entry. ObjectDb Log:The log message "Enhancement of type

Online Backup degrades responsiveness.

DONE!" log happens, within 500ms everything goes back to normal.   As I said ... , no backup file is generated and the logs "Backup Start..." will be logged followed by the "Backup

ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException on flush

have a full stack trace as the app went into a commit retry loop which blew out the logs: logs. Large objects (> ~2KB) are handled differently