ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Chapter 1 - Quick Tour

) on ObjectDB databases. The example program that this chapter presents manages a simple database


ObjectDB Software develops, markets and supports the ObjectDB Object-Oriented Database Management System (ODBMS). ObjectDB Software is the market leader in providing a very high performance persistence solution for Java, based on the Java Persistence API (JPA) and the Java Data Objects (JDO


of managed classes. Returns whether classes in the root of the persistence unit that have not been explicitly listed are to be included in the set of managed classes. This value corresponds to the exclude ... of the persistence unit that have not been explicitly listed are to be included in the set of managed classes


Set< ManagedType<?>> getManagedTypes() Return the metamodel managed types. Return the metamodel managed types. Returns: the metamodel managed types Since: JPA 2.0 ManagedType<X> managedType(Class<X> cls) Return the metamodel managed type representing the entity, mapped superclass, or embeddable class


> Specifies whether entity managers created by the javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory will be JTA or resource-local entity managers. Since: JPA 1.0 PersistenceUnitTransactionType JTA JTA entity managers will be created. JTA entity managers will be created. Since: JPA 1.0 PersistenceUnitTransactionType


Method javax.persistence.EntityManager void close() Close an application-managed entity manager ... , getTransaction, and isOpen (which will return false). If this method is called when the entity manager is associated with an active transaction, the persistence context remains managed


this class only if they are authorized by the security manager. To avoid having every call go through the security manager, only the call to get an instance is checked. Once an implementation has an instance ... a call to the field manager for each key field in the ObjectId. For example, an ObjectId class


) normally unavailable would be accessible to malicious code. manageMetadata This allows managing ... that metadata information (possibly confidential) normally unavailable would be manageable (modifiable ... CLOSE_PERSISTENCE_MANAGER_FACTORY An instance of JDOPermission to be used


managed by the PersistenceManager. This method returns a copy of the ObjectId that represents ... . If the JDO identity is managed by the application, then the ObjectId may be used ... is not managed by the application or the data store, then the ObjectId returned is only valid


factory. Get the second data store connection factory. This is needed for managed environments ... connection factory. Get the name for the second data store connection factory. This is needed for managed ... connection factory. This is needed for managed environments to get nontransactional connections

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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