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JPA Annotations for Mapping (ORM)

The following JPA annotations and enums are designated for mapping a JPA object model to a relational database, and are not required by ObjectDB: ObjectDB silently ignores all the above annotations.

Is ObjectDB better than Object Relational Mapping (ORM)?

All about Is ObjectDB better than Object Relational Mapping (ORM)? in Java/JPA database - explanations, examples, references, links and related information.

createContainerEntityManagerFactory(info, map)

in javax.persistence.spi">PersistenceUnitInfo info,   Map map) map - a Map of integration-level properties ... > instance in the map with the key "javax.persistence.validation.factory"


">MapAttribute<X,K,V> map) Create a path corresponding to the referenced map-valued attribute. Parameters: map - map-valued attribute


" title="Interface in javax.persistence">EntityManager createEntityManager(  Map map) Create a new application-managed EntityManager with the specified Map of properties. This method returns a new


;> keys(  M map) Create an expression that returns the keys of a map. Parameters: map - map

createEntityManagerFactory(emName, map)

createEntityManagerFactory(  String emName,   Map map) map - a Map of properties for use by


;V>> values(  M map) Create an expression that returns the values of a map. Parameters: map - map

JDO Annotations for Mapping (ORM)

The following JDO annotations and enums are designated for mapping a JDO object model to a relational database, and are not required by ObjectDB: ObjectDB silently ignores all the above annotations.


 mapping) Set the Mapping setting for this factory. This is used to find the object-datastore mapping file(s). Parameters: mapping - the Mapping