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/jpa/EntityManager/refresh_Object_Map_" title="Method of javax.persistence.EntityManager">EntityManager.refresh(Object, java.util.Map) Map_" title="Method of javax.persistence.EntityManager

depends upon the context. If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, the foreign key column is in the table of the source entity or embeddable. If the join is for a unidirectional OneToMany mapping using a foreign key


: If the join is for a OneToOne or ManyToOne mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, the name of the table of the source entity or embeddable. If the join is for a unidirectional OneToMany mapping using a foreign key mapping strategy, the name


>java.util.Map, the cascade element and the orphanRemoval element apply to the map value. Example 1: One-to-Many association using generics mapping // In Customer class: @OneToMany(orphanRemoval


.persistence.metamodel">MapAttribute<X,K,V>  map) Create a path corresponding to the referenced map-valued attribute. map-valued attribute.

Tracking changes to new collections (in enhancement mode) after flush

Mapping { //the UID of the Mapping @Id @Access (AccessType.FIELD) @Column (name ... >If we touch again the map by map.put(key, list), although the key/value pair is already a part of the map ... a value in a Map field is not standard (unsupported by JPA), although it should be supported by


;  parentMap) Create a subquery map join object correlated to a map join object of the enclosing query. Create a subquery map join object correlated to a map join

getPersistenceManagerFactory(overrides, name, resourceLoader, pmfLoader)

javax.jdo">PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory(  Map  ... .ConnectionFactory2Name", "javax.jdo.option.Mapping", "javax.jdo.mapping.Catalog", "javax.jdo.mapping ... > Parameters: overrides - a Map containing properties

getPersistenceManagerFactory(props, pmfClassLoader)

javax.jdo">PersistenceManagerFactory getPersistenceManagerFactory(  Map props ... "> Get a PersistenceManagerFactory based on a Map and a class loader. This method delegates to the getPersistenceManagerFactory method that takes a Map


.QueryObject executeWithMap(  Map parameters) . The query is executed with the parameters set by the Map values. Each Map entry consists of a key which is the name of the parameter in