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Query filter comparing Dates

may require maintaining multiple modes), changes are considered very carefully. Hopefully

Explorer and multi-thread

When I use explorer.exe to browse the database in objectdb, eclipse tells me another app occupy it, then how can objectdb support multi-thread? gzdillon Lai Yang Multithreading refers to the ability to use the same database in multiple threads of the same process (same

Does "error 522" (connect timed out) have something to do with restrictions despite license activation?

I've been trying to save a class with nested foreign keys, using a db inside an EC2 with Server license I hope I activated. It successfully saves simple classes, but it's not as easy as classes with multiple foreign keys. Indeed, it returns the following error:

Possible issue for JPQL IN expression

a parameter is also more efficient because the query can be compiled once and run multiple times

Query for objects persisted within the same transaction

I have a question concerning reading uncommited entities with query, within active transaction. For example, I read data from file. Each line contains value of one of entity's attributes but those values are not unique, so it's possible to have a multiple instances

Fetching Collections Puzzle

, it might work for multiple here.)   Erick erick.rosas Erick

LazyInitialization / join fetch

. Being a company that has multiple items , a user charge and technical user also . A specialty

database corrupt

multiplication. Please advice what we should change in our configuration  server: 12 CPUs

again merger missing logs + objectdb exception

one database page are split by ObjectDB into multiple sections and each section is stored in a separate page

Error 990 when querying a class with persistence-capable-superclass

it will be highly appreciated. support Support I face this problem by multiple begin and commit