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Query Parameters in JPA

Query parameters enable the definition of reusable queries. Such queries can be executed with different parameter values to retrieve different results. Running the same query multiple ... >Queries can include multiple parameters, and each parameter can occur multiple times in the query

Detached Entity Objects

should be cascaded automatically to entity objects that are referenced by that field (multiple ... objects that are referenced by that field (multiple entity objects can be referenced by

JPA Persistable Types

, only instances of entity classes preserve identity and are stored only once even if they are referenced multiple times. Referencing instances of other persistable types from multiple

Numbers in JPQL and Criteria Queries

:  + (addition), - (subtraction), * (multiplication ... - expression // Multiplication (*) Expression<

Database Connection using JPA

require multiple database connections during their lifetime. For instance, in a web application ... of sockets), provides an efficient way to construct multiple EntityManager instances

Running JPA Queries

/TypedQuery/getResultList">getResultList method, as we expect to receive multiple objects in return ... . If the database contains multiple Country objects with the name 'Canada' (e.g

Criteria Query Selection and Results

clause content. Multiple selection expressions can be represented by CompoundSelection ... selection results (i.e. results of a query with multiple expressions in the SELECT clause) using


variable (with or without an explicit variable name) for iteration. Multiple variables and JOIN are not ... variable name - if defined). Multiple field update expressions, separated by commas

ObjectDB Object Database Features

- multiple @Id fields or a @EmbeddedId field. for efficient reuse of one query in multiple executions. Result

[ODB1] Chapter 5 - JDO Connections

.PersistenceManagerFactory Most applications require multiple database connections during their lifetime ... the PersistenceManager. Multiple READ locks of different PersistenceManager