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Query with FETCH JOIN returns multiple results instead of one.

Query with FETCH JOIN returns multiple results instead of one.

Multiple joins did not return expected result

Multiple joins did not return expected result

Multiple MEMBER OF query

Multiple MEMBER OF query

Index Definition

. It is defined by specifying multiple fields in the Multiple annotation can wrap multiple @Unique

JPA Lifecycle Events

but no more than one callback method for the same event. However, the same method may be used for multiple callback events ... ) public class MyEntityWithListener { } Multiple listener classes can also be attached ... method has to be invoked for a lifecycle event (e.g. from multiple listeners) the invocation order

Database Management Settings

code, but multiple <activation> elements can be specified in the same configuration. This way the same configuration file (with multiple activation codes) can be used on multiple machines.

SELECT clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

to them when a transaction is active are not propagated to the database. Multiple SELECT Expressionsmultiple SELECT expressions, where custom result objects can provide an object ... __">multiselect, which takes a variable number of arguments representing multiple

FROM clause (JPQL / Criteria API)

>Multiple range variables are allowed. For example, the following query returns all the pairs ... , Country c2 WHERE c2 MEMBER OF c1.neighbors Multiple variables are equivalent to nested ... > Caution is required when using multiple range variables. Iteration over about 1,000,000 database

What are the main benefits of using ObjectDB?

that ability and require multiple tables, multiple records and join operations in order to support multiple values (even for a simple data structure such as a collection of strings).In

[ODB1] Chapter 7 - JDOQL Queries

at the end of the string is optional. Multiple variables are required above because two collection ... "); Collection result = (Collection)query.execute(date); Multiple import statements ... >) is expected to use the Java syntax for import statements. Multiple import