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Externalising persistence.xml properties in Glassfish?

;/property> <property name="Password" value="xx_yy_zz"></property> < ... , user and password. i.e. to use the jta-data-source value

JBoss 7 startup fails

.password" value="admin"/> </properties> </persistence-unit> </persistence> ... ;      <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="admin

Error 363 - Failed to read value of inverse relationship

= true; @Column(nullable = false) private String playerName, password, email ... .put("javax.persistence.jdbc.password", "admin");        

Need disk usage and delete some old files

.getServerFileSystem(     host, port, username, password, false); password, path

ObjectDB without javax.persistence

.persistence.jdbc.password" value="admin"/>     </properties>   <

Jboss 6 persistence.xml startup error

;property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="admin"/> </properties> <

Can I Disable the Creation of the "log" Directory?

;url-history size="0" user="false" password="false" /> <log path="" max="8mb" stdout="false

Duplicate Entity class names causes Exception in Query

.password" value="admin"/>      </properties>   </persistence-unit

Bug: ClassCastException by retrieval

://;user=admin;password=admin");   EntityManager em = emf

javax.persistence.PersistenceException: No Persistence provider for EntityManager named in Karaf 4.0.7 and OSGi DS test

;password=admin exception in the Karaf log. I have deployed the objectdb.jar file