ObjectDB ObjectDB

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index - data rewrite

deleted on which we applied indexing. We found a solution for this past performance problem and didnt try with indexes any more until now when we have another performance issue which we believe indexes

@Convert is not supported?

but they are singletones and immutables... This is what i can achieve if i have abillity to perform some custom code ... . You wrote: "This is what i can achieve if i have ability to perform some custom code

How Should I Configure objectdb.conf to Obtain 256KB Disk IO Requests and Maximize Shared PersistenceManager Entity Cache?

on an Amazon EBS disk which has max performance at that size and reduces monetary fees by having ... performance at that size and reduces monetary fees by having fewer accesses). So a page size of 256K

Object explorer cannot open odb file. ObjectDB many-to-many relationship

) side to the owner side is slower since it requires query execution. Usually you can get better performance ... , so you will be leveraging the performance advantage of ObjectDB. support Support

Internal objectdb error when execute a flush

We get an internal objectdb error, when we execute a flush. Why? What's wrong? It performs with version objectdb-2.6.4_04. It does not perform with version objectdb-2.6.6_04. Caused by: com.objectdb.o.InternalException: Unexpected internal exception at com.objectdb.o.JPE.h(JPE.java:168) ~[na:na

Object DB vs EclipseLink/TopLink: Unloaded relationships in detached entities

(which requires some re-coding and has performance consequences when large relationship hierarchies ... all the benefits of lazy loading of course. 2. Perform the query within a @Stateful session bean

More Efficient Primary Keys

with the Column annotation? d) Or would you recommend something else? Finally, how much performance ... if a composite of two longs can produce any performance gain over a single string. support Support

Explorer bug ? Objects seem to be missing from database in Class view, but are present as references

(many times until commit). You should avoid this to improve performance, but of course - ObjectDB ... and understood, but it seems that switching to SEQUENCE or TABLE would provide better performance than flush after every persist. support Support

Database access error , Doctor hanging on trying to repair, production shutdown at our biggest customer

affects the performance significantly, right ? hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker > the fix in 2.7.1 ... under heavy load. Recording affects the performance significantly, right ? If you write the recording

ObjectDB 2.0.0

. Fixed ObjectDB Doctor to activate and rebuild also inactive (new) indexes. Improved performance of database insert/update/delete operations. Changed default configuration (for improved performance

Getting Started

ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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