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javax.persistence.spi Interface ClassTransformer A persistence provider supplies an instance of this interface to the PersistenceUnitInfo.addTransformer method. The supplied transformer instance will get called to transform entity class files when they are loaded or redefined. The transformation


javax.persistence Annotation SecondaryTable Target: Classes Specifies a secondary table for the annotated entity class. Specifying one or more secondary tables indicates that the data for the entity ... that all persistent fields or properties of the entity are mapped to the primary table


javax.persistence Annotation Temporal Target: Fields (including property get methods) This annotation must be specified for persistent fields or properties of type java.util.Date and java.util.Calendar. It may only be specified for fields or properties of these types. The Temporal annotation


javax.persistence Annotation PersistenceContexts Target: Classes Declares one or more PersistenceContext annotations. It is used to express a dependency on container-managed entity manager persistence contexts. Since: JPA 1.0 See Also: PersistenceContext PersistenceContext[] value (Required) One or


javax.persistence Annotation Cacheable Target: Classes Specifies whether an entity should be cached if caching is enabled when the value of the persistence.xml caching element is ENABLE_SELECTIVE or DISABLE_SELECTIVE. The value of the Cacheable annotation is inherited by subclasses


javax.persistence Annotation Embedded Target: Fields (including property get methods) Specifies a persistent field or property of an entity whose value is an instance of an embeddable class. The embeddable class must be annotated as Embeddable. The AttributeOverride, AttributeOverrides


javax.persistence Annotation JoinColumns Target: Fields (including property get methods) Defines mapping for composite foreign keys. This annotation groups JoinColumn annotations for the same relationship. When the JoinColumns annotation is used, both the name and the referencedColumnName elements


javax.persistence.criteria Interface SetJoin<Z,E> Superinterfaces: Expression<E>, FetchParent<Z,E>, From<Z,E>, Join<Z,E>, Path<E>, PluralJoin<Z,Set<E>,E>, Selection<E>, TupleElement<E> The SetJoin interface is the type of the result of joining to a collection over an association or element


javax.persistence.criteria Interface Subquery<T> Superinterfaces: AbstractQuery<T>, Expression<T>, Selection<T>, TupleElement<T> The Subquery interface defines functionality that is specific to subqueries. A subquery has an expression as its selection item. Since: JPA 2.0 Selection<X> alias(String


javax.persistence Annotation QueryHint Target: Used to supply a query property or hint to the NamedQuery or NamedNativeQuery annotation. Vendor-specific hints that are not recognized by a provider are ignored. Since: JPA 1.0 String name Name of the hint. Name of the hint. Since: JPA 1.0 String

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