ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Explorer in 2.3

to do ad-hoc JPQL queries and navigate through the results and even make small changes to primitive ... about this would be that you could set a value other than a String or primitive. Right now you can only edit text or primitives (and I noticed you have a Date editor too). But suppose I want to set


javax.persistence.criteria Interface Path<X> Superinterfaces: Expression<X>, Selection<X>, TupleElement<X> Subinterfaces: CollectionJoin, From, Join, ListJoin, MapJoin, PluralJoin, Root, SetJoin Represents a simple or compound attribute path from a bound type or collection, and is a "primitive


Static Field javax.jdo.FetchGroup String BASIC For use with addCategory and removeCategory calls. This category includes members of all primitive and immutable object class types as defined in section 6.4 of the specification, including String, Locale, Currency, BigDecimal, and BigInteger; as


: Number or Character: the parameter must be the single field type or the wrapper class of the primitive


, except for these differences: Equality and ordering comparisons between primitives and instances of wrapper classes


the wrapper class of the primitive field type; the parameter is passed to the single field identity


instances of primitive types and immutable reference types are restored to their values as


and removeCategory calls. This category includes members of all primitive and immutable object class


Method javax.jdo.Transaction void setRestoreValues( boolean restoreValues ) If true, at rollback, fields of newly persistent instances are restored to their values as of the beginning of the transaction, and the instances revert to transient. Additionally, fields of modified instances of primitive

newObjectIdInstance(pcClass, obj)

the wrapper class of the primitive field type; the parameter is passed to the single field identity

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Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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