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Error using query with MAX() function

> </$1> </variables> </symbolManager> <queryCompData> <query exp ... I have a class that is persisting a Entity that holds remarks and a time. Then when I query ... an ObjectDB bug in processing large objects in queries. Please try build 2.2.2_02 that should fix this issue

Unexpected Query Token / Casting in Query

Hi! Please find the attached database. Doing a simple query with casting SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT $1 ... Query Execution Error ===================== Unexpected query token 'com.quasado.foundation.warehouse ... %') but the query still fails - now on navigation to routingNumber. Another casting will not help


Method javax.persistence.Query Query setLockMode( LockModeType lockMode ) Set the lock mode type to be used for the query execution. Parameters: lockMode - lock mode Returns: the same query instance Throws: IllegalStateException - if the query is found not to be a Java Persistence query language SELECT query or a Criteria API query Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.Query List getResultList() Execute a SELECT query and return the query ... for a Java Persistence query language UPDATE or DELETE statement QueryTimeoutException - if the query execution exceeds the query timeout value set and only the statement is rolled


Method javax.persistence.Query Object getSingleResult() Execute a SELECT query that returns ... query language UPDATE or DELETE statement QueryTimeoutException - if the query execution exceeds the query timeout value set and only the statement is rolled back TransactionRequiredException - if a lock

Multiple MEMBER OF query

your query item.label appears twice, but the same synthetic variable for iterating over that collection ... due to the conversion to JOIN). However, using separate variables may sometimes make the query more complex ... query gets no items: SELECT i FROM Item i WHERE :label1 MEMBER OF item.labels AND :label2 MEMBER


javax.jdo.annotations Annotation Query Target: Classes Annotation for a named query. Corresponds to the xml element "query". Since: JDO 2.1 Extension[] extensions Vendor extensions. Vendor extensions ... of the fetch plan used by this query The name of the fetch plan used by this query Returns: the fetch plan


Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Query newQuery( String query ) Create a Construct a new query instance using the specified String as the single-string representation of the query. Parameters: query - the single-string query Returns: the new Query Since: JDO 2.0

newQuery(language, query)

Method javax.jdo.PersistenceManager Query newQuery( String language, Object query ) Create a new Query using the specified language. Parameters: language - the language of the query parameter query - the query, which is of a form determined by the language Returns: the new Query Since: JDO 1.0


Method javax.jdo.Query void setResult( String data ) Specifies what type of data this query should return. If this is unset or set to null, this query returns instances of the query's candidate class. If set, this query will return expressions, including field values (projections) and aggregate

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ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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