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setHint(hintName, value)

Method javax.persistence.Query Query setHint( String hintName, Object value ) Set a query property or hint. The hints elements may be used to specify query properties and hints. Properties defined by ... for the property or hint Returns: the same query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the second


Method javax.persistence.Query Set<Parameter<?>> getParameters() Get the parameter objects corresponding to the declared parameters of the query. Returns empty set if the query has no parameters. This method is not required to be supported for native queries. Returns: set of the parameter objects

setParameter(param, value)

Method javax.persistence.Query Query setParameter( Parameter<T> param, T value ) Bind the value of a Parameter object. Parameters: param - parameter object value - parameter value Returns: the same query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter does not correspond to a parameter of the query Since: JPA 2.0

setParameter(param, value, temporalType)

Method javax.persistence.Query Query setParameter( Parameter<Calendar> param, Calendar value ... : param - parameter object value - parameter value temporalType - temporal type Returns: the same query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter does not correspond to a parameter of the query Since: JPA 2.0

setParameter(param, value, temporalType)

Method javax.persistence.Query Query setParameter( Parameter<Date> param, Date value, TemporalType ... - parameter object value - parameter value temporalType - temporal type Returns: the same query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if the parameter does not correspond to a parameter of the query Since: JPA 2.0


Method javax.persistence.Query int getFirstResult() The position of the first result the query object was set to retrieve. Returns 0 if setFirstResult was not applied to the query object. Returns: position of the first result Since: JPA 2.0 Learn how to define and use JPA/JPQL queries in Chapter 4 of the ObjectDB/JPA manual.

setParameter(position, value, temporalType)

Method javax.persistence.Query Query setParameter( int position, Date value, TemporalType ... value - parameter value temporalType - temporal type Returns: the same query instance Throws: IllegalArgumentException - if position does not correspond to a positional parameter of the query or if the value argument is of incorrect type Since: JPA 1.0


Annotation Element javax.jdo.annotations.Queries Query[] value The named queries Returns: The named queries Since: JDO 2.1


Method javax.jdo.Query FetchPlan getFetchPlan() Returns the FetchPlan used by this Query. Modifications of the returned fetch plan will not cause this query's owning PersistenceManager's FetchPlan to be modified. Returns: the fetch plan used by this query Since: JDO 2.0


Method javax.jdo.Query PersistenceManager getPersistenceManager() Get the PersistenceManager associated with this Query. If this Query was restored from a serialized form, it has no PersistenceManager, and this method returns null. Returns: the PersistenceManager associated with this Query. Since: JDO 1.0

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