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First query takes 4+ minutes to complete

> We are running our tests on a 64bit Linux (CentOS 6.3) machine with JDK 1.7. The system has 4Gb of RAM

Slow performance on Mac

CPU, 16GB RAM, SSD drive java version "1.8.0_131" Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0

Memory leak with OutOfMemoryError exception

> Temporary data RAM threshold.

Run out of memory

the uncommitted changes persist in RAM (not the file db), hence I am getting out of memory exceptions.

Performance tuning, best practices

we have a system where we serve from a host process around 200 clients connected via webSockets (Jetty). The core process is running on a dedicated Windows 2012 server with 16 GByte RAM and 8 processor cores.  What is strange for us is that max 20% of the cpu

ObjectDB's Database Doctor Incorrect Error Report

that "feed" the ObjectDB page size of presumably 256 KB.  (So I was wasting a lot of RAM and resources

Doctor - high memory usage

> lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski Since new computers today have at least 2GB RAM, I don't

Query Execution on parallel threads don't lead to performance improvements

the use temporary files (although it may require more RAM). support Support

query.getResultList() throws ClassCastException

less RAM). You can improve query performance by retrieving field values

Objects are not garbage collected

more and more NormalizedAccessPaths clog up the RAM and won't be released.  Below is the reference graph