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Ram allocation

for our client and we must prove to client that Objectdb can allocate 128GB ram of server ... >Do you mean for cache? ObjectDB can benefit from any available RAM: By ... as the JVM is also set and capable to use that amount of RAM for its heap. support

Inserted entities with strings as keys and indices needs more and more ram memory in comparing to primitive integers as keys and indices

then the inserting of further entities needs also more and more ram memory, this leads ... EmbeddedSystems Correction. The case with strings as primary key and indices needs only more ram ... you for the clarification. The example with long keys needs round about 750 MB RAM memory.

virtual servers and one file

virtualization configuration. If the physical machine has sufficient RAM for caching the entire ... cores a 2.3 Ghz plus Hyperthreading and 128GB RAM. The virtual server is assigned 56 cores and 100GB of RAM. The hard disk storage consists of a RAID5 of 4x 2TB SAS-SSDs and brings a write and read

Soft Reference Object Cache Recommendation

a full Garbage Collection (GC) when heap RAM gets low for my application.  This would use a Least Recently ... [] only needs to be read and sits in the cache until more heap RAM is needed. RAM block from GC by those instances, then select one of those instances

Object DB In memory : without Filestore

a RAM_drive" target="_blank">RAM drive.   ... using a RAM drive.       can u ... support in memory mode, you can use a RAM drive. i.e. install a RAM drive software (unrelated

Configuration Advice

We have a customer system with 64 GByte RAM, 16 CPUs on 8 sockets, the fastest possible ... " /> <!-- cache: 2048mb/8GByte RAM, 4096mb/16GByte RAM, 8192mb above --> ... " /> <!-- results: 256mb/8GByte RAM, 1024mb/16GByte RAM, 2048mb above --> <

cache optimizing

we have a customer system with 64 GByte RAM, 16 CPUs on 8 sockets, the fastest possible ... ;      <!-- cache: 2048mb/8GByte RAM, 4096mb/16GByte RAM, 8192mb above --> ... ;   <!-- results: 256mb/8GByte RAM, 1024mb/16GByte RAM, 2048mb above -->   

performance tuning

we have a customer system with 64 GByte RAM, 16 CPUs on 8 sockets, the fastest possible ... -->