ObjectDB ObjectDB

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Query problem after transaction commit

to it. The client program can connect to the server and query to get all the records. However, after transaction ... records but only the latest stored record. I tried to run database explorer on the server machine and able to see all the records including the new stored record. The trick is, after I ran the database

ORDER BY problem, when String starts with language specific character

order by u.name When the name starts with "normal/english" character, records are ordered correctly. But when it starts with language specific character like 'Č', these records are placed after records with normal charaters. So records with 'Č' are after 'Z', but this is not correct, because 'Č

ClassCastException on SELECT NEW ... after UPDATE over Java RMI

is that once we UPDATE a record from the client (via the RMI interface), all SELECT NEW ... queries ... ) { this.fileName = fileName; } } The attached DB file has 3 records which were updateted by a remote client (over RMI). They have IDs 9766, 9890 and 9897. These records cause

Group by date / time

stats WHERE YEAR(record_date) = 2009 GROUP BY YEAR(record_date), MONTH(record_date) or maybe something like this: SELECT COUNT(id) FROM stats WHERE YEAR(record_date) = 2009 GROUP BY DATE_FORMAT(record_date, '%Y%m') ? lwalkowski Lukasz Walkowski Following your question, and since some JPA

Slave server not getting deletes

do a delete query, the records don't get deleted "delete from TestTable t " When I insert a record, then delete it, then re-insert it again, the slave server will give this error because the record did not ... . support Support Hi. Just add 5 records and the delete using query. Then add the same 5 records

ObjectDB size not reducing

Hello. My objectDB had over 100 million records. I have removed 100,000 records in that DB and the size does not decrease. In fact it keeps growing as records decrease. Is that supposed to happen? FYI: The DB is client server mode, and it is not being restarted as records reduce, as it is live in

Unexpected error when loading all entity instance

is ready at: db/smartcal.odb.fixed I enabled Recording so next time I will be able to attach a record ... you get this exception please send this database copy together with the new corrupted database and the recording ... use. If this is the case, then maybe indeed we will be able to reproduce it by playing the recording

stress test -> com.objectdb.o.InternalException: null

.record(StatsInterceptor.java:180) at org.apache.openejb.monitoring.StatsInterceptor.invoke ... (ReflectionInvocationContext.java:164) at org.apache.openejb.monitoring.StatsInterceptor.record(StatsInterceptor.java ... .apache.openejb.monitoring.StatsInterceptor.record(StatsInterceptor.java:180) at org.apache.openejb

cannot delete objects after crash (see issue 2283)

that may help could be: Enabling recording, as the database can be restored from recording files ... that to our customer For my understanding - does the recording support an automatic recovery, too ? - is the replication possible using embedded mode ? hgzwicker Hans-Georg Zwicker - does the recording

database corrupt

enabled="true" sync="false" path="." max="96mb" /> <recording enabled="false" sync="false" path ... optimizations. A possible way to diagnose issues that are not repeatable may be to enable recording: <recording ... . It records all the transactions, so playing them later may reproduce the issue and enable debugging

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ObjectDB is very easy to use. Follow the Getting Started Tutorial and the Quick Tour manual chapter and in minutes you may be able to write and run first Java programs against ObjectDB.

Prior knowledge or experience in database programming (SQL, JDBC, ORM, JPA, etc.) is not required, but some background in using the Java language is essential.

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